Chapter 27: Fire

I immediately veered toward the back door, but Josephine continued on the way we came in so I followed. I have to admit I was feeling quite disillusioned and wondered how we were ever going to track Jack down.

When we emerged into the dark lobby, it was empty. So was the theater. At least, mostly. Josephine drew a breath and grasped my hand, squeezing hard. I turned to ask her what was wrong when I smelled it.

Kerosene. A large quantity of it had spilled somewhere nearby. I headed for the front door and shoved against it, but it wouldn't open.

We were locked in. Not that it was a problem for us. But when I turned to tell my companion, I caught her sneaking toward the stage area and, naturally, I had to follow.

Two figures were leaving as we entered. The stench of fuel was overpowering. I realized the purpose far too late through my daze of wondering why anyone would pour that much of the stuff around, a spark from a match making it entirely clear.