Chapter 39: Thieves Guild

I woke, groggy and dizzy, my world in swaying motion. My whole body hurt, my skull most of all. Things seemed to be upside down and sideways, my head heavy and bobbing up and down. My stomach clenched against such treatment, heaving slightly with every motion, but I couldn't seem to convince my arms and legs to coordinate or cooperate with me for that matter.

My nose told me we were still in the sewer, and part of me despaired at ever getting the horrid smell out of my hair. My gaze drifted sideways in the darkness, settling on Stella. She was unconscious, a welt on the side of her face, long blonde hair being dragged along the ground as whoever pulled her did so from a grip on her feet. I winced myself as her head bounced over a rut, and heard her groan.

It was too dark to see much else clearly and the effort of focusing made everything so very much worse.