Chapter 49: New Plans

Clearly, huddling near the remains of the end of the train wasn't serving any of us. I drew myself to my feet, pulling Jack along with me, saw Stella doing the same for Josephine and Vasek. Jack's eyes grew wider and his confusion and shock more apparent as we left that wrecked car behind us and entered the next, equally as devastated as the last. I moved him on, wincing at the sound of scraping metal as we crossed over the partially destroyed connection. I glanced back as the remains of two cars let go, tumbling away into the darkness with a clatter and roar of steel on stone.

When we reached the dining car, Josephine called out for me to stop. Just as well, really. Of the only two remaining up ahead, one was the engine and the other was topless.

"What of the driver?" Vasek braced himself against the heavy table as the train rocked itself more quietly. Now that we'd lost the remains of the wreckage, everything seemed much calmer. Deceiving.