Chapter 186: A Job To Do

"How long have you known?" I was all ready to leap through the veil and end the Hensley coven, but oddly it was Piers who was the voice of calm reason.

He seemed more level, more balanced suddenly, the man I knew and cared about shining through at last. That helped cool my jets and bring me back to focus as Moa squiggled in her seat in discomfort.

"Does it matter now?" She gestured at me. "Go, fetch the piece from Jean Marc, return it to Creator and fulfill your destiny."

She did not get to give me orders.

Max shifted beside me, his growl and a puff of fragrant smoke all the evidence I needed he felt the same way. "Be careful where you tread, Moa," he said. "You have put this plane and this Universe at risk and I have allowed it. But the time for that kindness has passed."

She shrank into her throne slightly, though I had doubts she truly feared his wrath.