Chapter 190: The End Of The Hensley Coven

"That's enough." The diminutive werewoman's voice drew me around, Nina Dillon's face dark and grim. The former member of Cicero Caine's werepack bowed her head to me, head shaved showing faint scars in the dark stubble, tattooed arms straight at her sides, piercings catching the light through the glass doors. "We had no idea, you must believe that. But we can't stand by and let you kill our leader."

That had better not be a challenge, my demon snarled.

Whatever. I shrugged and turned away even as Nina spun on Shenka. "You must step up," she said while the younger Hensley wiped at the last of the tears on her face. "We need a new leader and you're of the bloodline."

Shenka gaped at her but my vampire sighed.

It's time, Syd, she sent. We both know what has to happen here.