I woke up alone. Groaned as I rolled over on my side, my whole body hurting, taking a moment to realize what had actually happened.
That Jiao, my friend, had betrayed me to the Order.
No, there had to be a reason, an explanation. I sat up on the stone bench where I'd been lying, passed out for who knew how long. A quick inventory of my person turned up no physical injuries aside from feeling like I'd run headlong into a brick wall. The black ribbon remained with me, tight around my wrist, though it had fallen silent and I wondered if it had done so to protect itself. Likely. If it was from this Universe as Max and I both suspected, there might be those who would recognize the drach soul for what it was and try to take it from me.
Feeling oddly possessive, I ran one hand over it before moving on.
Demon? I almost hesitated to ask.
Here. She grumbled something about traitors and fire and death but I didn't bother to ask her to elaborate.
Shaylee? Again the affirmative.