Chapter 206: The Soldier

No attack came, no demands or even conversation. The soldier of the Order simply stood there, observing me through the slits in his shining helmet, tall, wide shouldered body rigid and observant.

I glared back, beginning to feel like a rat in a glass box, hating the trapped knot of anxiety in my stomach. I'd embraced the peace Creator's heart offered but old habits die hard. It was far easier to return to the familiar anger I used as my shield for so long. Finally, when so much time passed my discomfort no longer allowed me to stay silent, I crossed my arms over my chest and tossed my head.

"Well?" My voice crackled, snapping with fury and frustration. "What are you waiting for?" I was so ready for the impending fight. He didn't stand a chance.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Hayle. And maybe you'd survive another ten seconds.