Chapter 238: Frustrating Conversation

Magic recoiled like a thrown knife with its edge on fire, the thread tying Bellanca to Zoe snapping with the force of an explosion the instant Mia linked with her alternate Fate. Whatever Bellanca had done to influence the Helios Oracle flew back at her and slammed into her, past Trill who stepped aside to allow the returning energy to carry Bellanca to her knees, to her face.

Zoe staggered forward into my arms and I caught her, feeling Mia detach from me, releasing us from her control. But she didn't return to her own Universe right away, instead solidifying her image and facing down her counterpart while the young Helios Oracle gaped at her in residual shock at her release. My power lunged for Bellanca the moment she tried to rise, but it was too late. I felt it the instant she decided to run, could do nothing to stop her as she dove into the veil and disappeared. Glared at Trill who let her go, frowning so deeply I relented my own anger. An order for everything, even the ex-Fate?