Chapter 240: This Must Not Be

I grasped for my son, caught the faintest thread of his mind, even as Oliver found me across the veil, latched onto me, his magic feeding mine. How did he know I needed him?

We have to help him. Zoe and Trill were at my side, hands taking mine on either side, their massive magicks joining the fray as I felt the push of the drach behind Max who joined with Oliver. So Gabriel's cry for help hadn't just reached me, then. All was forgotten, the dying world above, the Universe itself shuddering while the flames of war spread out into what remained and devoured entire planes. Didn't matter, I understood that now. Trill's assurance made sense at last.

Only Gabriel mattered.

With tears standing in my eyes as I leaped out of my body and threw my consciousness toward the boy who was the Gateway, I sent every soul still able to help all love and thanks I could muster at their willingness to abandon their own needs and save my son.