Chapter 283: Raging Drach

Bellanca's answering wail cut through even the echoes of Max's vocal rage, bouncing around the stone interior of the cavern in counterpoint. I covered my ears with both hands to block the shriek while she struggled to rise, another down sweep of his massive wings forcing her into the dirt.

"My love!" She managed to raise one hand, to cry out to him but he loomed, a shadow with a blazing gaze, more massive than I'd ever seen him. I shuddered at the sight as he opened his giant mouth and released a blazing gout of liquid fire, blasting her without pause or pity.

I should have known better than to hope that would be the end of her, though Max's show of fury was impressive, I have to say. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to count how long he exhaled, behemoth of a head bearing down over her, the air singed from the heat of his attack. At least I thought to shield myself and those around her, the bodies of the fallen protected from the searing flame.