"About that," I said. "How come it's still there? Normally I'd heal a small puncture like that in minutes." I'd been pretty shocked to see the four purple dots on my shoulder this morning - two top canines and two smaller ones from his bottom teeth. Shocked, but excited too, in a weird sort of way.
"It's a stain that's formed when our saliva mixes with blood," Ty answered. "It'll last maybe a week or so on you, same as on a Zendir - kind of like a hickey on a human."
"On a human, it's as permanent as a tattoo," Kaz added. "Though I do know Zendir who've had it spelled for permanence if they can find a witch powerful enough to cast it."
"Bummer that I can't leave a mark on you," I added, reaching out to undo the top two buttons on Ty's shirt. "It only seems fair."