Chapter 48

"Me?" My voice squeaked. "You want me to use this stuff on you two?"

Ty nodded. "Good idea. I'm always up for a little game playing. I imagine this stuff is designed to withstand immortals?"

"Yep," Kaz replied. "All heavy-duty and magic reinforced - except the silk scarves I asked them to stock in the cupboard. Any of us could rip through those like tissue paper."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So what's the use?"

"They're just for fun. That's the whole point, after all," Kaz reminded me. "Sex is supposed to be fun."

"I'll go first," Ty offered. "Anything look interesting?"

I swallowed hard and studied the various pieces, imagining Ty's powerful form bent over the bench or cuffed to the cross. The problem was, I couldn't envision any way for all three of us to play in any of those scenarios.

"If I can make a suggestion," Kaz said. When I nodded, he continued. "If we cuff him face up on the bench, you can ride him while he sucks me off."