You didn't have to be so mean, Kyla groused to Xera after the werewolf had left. It was nice to have someone who could hear us stop and chat with us for a change.
Honey, you need to get out of your tree more often. Xera's soft-needled branches shook though there was very little wind - almost as if the tree were laughing. There's usually a satyr or two around on Samhain, and that's only a moon or so away. 'Cause, sister, you need to get out and get laid.
You are such a nymph, Xera. If she'd been able to from inside her tree, Kyla would have stuck her tongue out. Stop thinking with your crotch. Sex isn't the answer for everything.
You'd be surprised, youngling. Besides, we are nymphs. That's what a dryad is. Did you catch the stupidity virus from that fleabag or something?
Oh, shut your knothole. With that, Kyla withdrew even deeper into her tree where she couldn't see or hear. The sun was almost up. It was time for all good dryads to go to sleep.