Chapter 23

"So what will happen now?" She lay limp and sated on his chest while he unbound their wrists and pressed a kiss against the cut that was already closing on her hand. Goddess she loved this man. She could feel the magic pulsing through her body and she was excited about what was to come.

"Now we wait. When the sun rises, we both transform. The first time can be - difficult. I'm sorry, mon coeur. I'd spare you that if I could." He sounded so worried, she couldn't help trying to tease him out of it.

"Well, they say the first time is always painful," she joked. "Then what?"

"Then your body will try to recover, by sending you into the stone state. You will be conscious, aware of your surroundings, but unable to move or speak. You will remain a statue until your body recovers."

She kissed his neck. "Okay. So when I transform, will I look like you?"

He shook his head. "We each have our own unique shape. There is no way of knowing what form the magic will choose for you."