Chapter 46

Beau sat beside Dana at the auction, crossing his arms and glaring at John Saville, who'd taken the spot on her other side. The man was a weasel and had no business whatsoever trying to sneak glimpses down the front of Dana's top.

Up until Saville showed up, Beau had actually been having a good time. Dana had descended on the pre-auction review with an artist's eye for perfection and the instincts of a shark. He no longer had any doubt in his mind that the lady knew her business. He'd watched her roll her eyes at a fairly good copy of a Hepplewhite side table and make quick furtive notes on her PDA about a pair of unmarked Louis XIV chairs and an unsigned oil painting. Though she took great pains to hide it from the other dealers and collectors, she was equally excited about an inexpensive 1920s topaz pendant in the estate jewelry case. Beau watched her work, idly noting to her a few pieces he wouldn't mind himself, since he was supposed to be a client.