Chapter 1: Molten

Molten. The largest artificially surviving planet in the entire universe. Home to Dwarves,Gnomes, halflings and hobbits. Molten, used to be a very beautiful planet. Large grasslands, full of boars and mammoths like creatures perfect for hunting. Mountainous plains ripped the land upward towards the heavens. Rivers and lakes flowed peacefully and the oceans welcomed the beautiful beaches rich with sand. Forests spread across the planet's surface, which acted as many of the early colonies' cover from predators.

All of the separate colonies lived in relative peace.Of course they dealt with the usual diversity you see with other species and planets. Not exactly welcoming and somewhat opposing one another so their specific species strives. Dwarves, short stocky beings. Based on religious preference they would grow their beards long and usually braided to signify their clean look. Specializing in their blacksmithing and artwork, they forged some of the universe's greatest weapons.

Gnomes being the shortest of all the species, they were known to be quite intelligent. They made discoveries far before anyone else. Using their gifts to tinker and build amazing tech. They created some of the first academies of learning and they refused to subject anyone to discrimination. They welcome all, and united under the idea of knowledge is power.

Hobbits, the cheery eyed species of the planet, nothing was ever really taken personally. They were the first to give a present and seem to celebrate everyday as a holiday. Constant gathering full of food and other festivities ensued. They were considered the keystone to the planet's unity amongst the species. Holding big festivals full of good ale and the world's best bread.

Halflings were a mix between hobbits and gnomes. They either shared an interest in knowledge or their hobbit side of festivals. More so depending on their area and what they adapted to.

They all lived in peace for a long time. But as the population grew, industrial period started and rose rapidly, their world needed to be changed or that would be the end of all life on Molten. The factories were causing a quick deterioration of the planet's natural resources.

When the atmosphere started its decay, the brightest gnomes had gotten together to form an artificial atmosphere. The dwarves get the plans and get things put into action. When land was beginning to show signs of no life, plants and trees falling out, they created what they could. The barrier was constantly upgraded through the years. Creating breathable air, protecting from the sun's rays and even clouds. When they contacted life outside of their solar system, they made sure to include a planetary defense system. Eventually the planet just kept having to have parts replaced. Next thing you know it, the entire planet was a metal ball, containing a molten core with thrusters and simulated poles to keep it in line with the sun and the other planets in rotation. Gnomes work day and night to make sure the superstructure stays on its path that the planet intended. It eventually became the intergalactic trade station. Food and other supplies had to be imported and the best way to do that was creating this system. The planet was one hundred and fifty stories of solid trading. Anything below was top secret for the original species of the planet before. Now when you peer at the once unbelievably beautiful planet, it's factories stood high above the artificial clouds and smoke would plume out the chimney and the constant flow of spaceships into the docking ports covered the planet.

The Dwarf Titan, the only species to have a Titan, Jokhil Blackhand, the tallest dwarf ever at a staggering five feet five inches in height and the strength of a thousand men. The forearms that could match a mammoth and the knowledge of the greatest gnome alive, he was there to lead all of his colonies and people. Sometimes the dwarves prided themselves in having a Titan when no other colony did, but Jokhil was never the one to show favoritism. Jokhil led them all during the industrial revolution, and they came together to reforge their entire planet.

As for me, well, I can't tell you I remember how I got here. Ten years have passed since I first arrived. What an adventure. Can you imagine what it's like showing up, no memory of your life, what your name is or why you can't remember anything? Yeah, well, now I live with a cranky old wise Dwarf named Gogden. None of the colonies here really age like you would think. Most of them live to a hundred and fifty years old. As for me, I am a normal six foot three inch tall guy.

A lot of people call me a Noble, but I have actually never met another Noble, so I wouldn't know. But I stick out like a sore thumb, and it's kind of frustrating moving around the lower corridors when you tower most of the homesteads you walk into. I am relatively in good shape, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good ale every once and awhile. Gogden makes the comment that I don't look like I've aged in the ten years I have been here and that I appear a bit physically stronger than any Noble he's seen. I can't tell whether to believe him or assume that he's saying that to butter me up and keep me around assisting him with his trading business. Gogden was one of the first dwarfs that actually communicated with me on the streets. Until you have a decent reputation with the people here, they don't necessarily mingle with outsiders unless they are from a wealthy background. Being a homeless guy on their streets, they didn't take too kindly to me being here. Well, one day, Gogden had one of his shipments stolen from him. Right from under his nose, and of course, being the homeless outsider he wanted to know everything about me. Probably assuming I took it. But in fact, he had a mole in his business from a competitor. When the shop shift changed, they took everything for the big trade deal they were about to embark on. I just so happened to be walking by when I noticed the ship that had picked up the supplies didn't match the business labeled on the side of the giant structure. I questioned Gogden who Half-lings Priced was and he instantly knew what was happening. As a payment to my discovery, he hired me on and gave me a place to stay.

Gogden was an average dwarf height, muscular and not much of a gut surprisingly. He was a health nut. He said the key to business, stay healthy, trust no one, and dress like you want your business perceived. So he always walked around in very expensive garment and even had his long red beard braided professionally. Even though his hair on his head looked a little rough, he pulled it back in a ponytail. Gogden wore his suit in the public eye, but behind the closed door, he worked just like any other employee. Clocked in before anyone else, and left way after. His business ran fluently because he led the charge and he had the confidence to do so. I respected him for that, not only taking me off the streets and giving some fresh food.

So yeah, now you got the lowdown. Now today is like any other. Put on my worker uniform, go into the office. I pass by Halfling's Tall Ale and catch an autonomous bus to work, and think about what the day has in store for me. Everyday, working myself to the core and back. I owe that to Gogden. But for some reason, lately, things have felt… off. I don't feel like I belong. It's been ten years and recently I feel a presence tugging on my soul. Like I have to leave. There's something in my head calling to me. I told Gogden about it, he said it was some weird Noble thing and that I would be fine. But, he supported any decision I would ever make. I have plenty of money to leave. I have only spent money on the ale and the food necessary to survive and Gogden would never let me pay my side for rent. Maybe considering he owned most of that quadrant of housing.

I started work as usual and began the heavy lifting for all the new materials. They would have used forklifts for this stuff, but I guess for my strength, I didn't even break a sweat. Then I stopped in my tracks.

"Noble, Noble, you aren't going to believe what was just announced for today!!" said Ronald, my one coworker and arguably my only friend I would hang out with outside of work. He's a little shorter than most dwarves, but he has a big heart and only wants to be the best. Long black hair and beard streaming down his frame he looked way too excited.

"Alright, let's hear it, what do you have for lunch?" I replied sarcastically.

"Dude… How did Gogden not tell you?! Algorab is coming here! For the first time in a century!"

"Wait… The Nobles Titan is traveling all the way here from Rothar… for what?" I asked, very confused. Why wouldn't Gogden tell me something like this? This is big stuff. Most people get their stuff delivered via the service provided. Gogdens InterGalactic Trade always imported and exported big deals like this.

"Well, apparently, Jokhil himself got word that a Noble that has no memory of his life was stranded here for the last decade and apparently mentioned that when he personally made the decision that InterGalactic Trade was the only trade directly for all the Titans… like two days ago." -Ronald said, keeping his smile cutting across his baby face.

Usually trade isn't directly to Nobles and their inner circle, but when someone is impressed by something, they want it reliably and fast. When a Titan orders something, you have to pause all orders and it's all hands on deck to make sure it's prestigious. They sometimes will go over the top and throw in tons of inventions and basically wrap it all in a fine thread symbolizing royalty. Titans inner circles consist of their army generals, their top scientists and even in some cases, old friends.

Titans never really age and if you make it in the circle, it means they can really trust you. Not that very much can hurt them, they will never take that chance. It just so happens that Gogden made it into the inner circle for Jokhil and never said anything.

"Where's Gogden now? I didn't see him at home this morning." I asked.

"Well, we all think he's below deck speaking with Jokhil right now. Preparing for Algorab to show up. It's going to be a big deal and…" Ronald was cut off by the sound of The Guard walking through the door. The Guard is the loyal protectors of Jokhil himself.

"Noble, Jokhil requests your presence immediately." The main guard shouted across the room. They shuffled closer.

"umm .. okay.. Is everything okay? Where's Gogden?" I replied hesitantly.

"Just follow us, and please hurry. We can't be wasting time with petty conversation."

I glanced at Ronald and just kind of shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't sure what to say. So I got to my locker and put on my somewhat decent clothes. Washed up real quick and followed the guards to the door. Four guards in total circled me closely, which appeared somewhat comical because I towered over them all. One led the way, one on my left, one on my right and one seemingly too close behind. We made our way to the forbidden, elevator shaft. The one that is heavily guarded and leads almost directly down to Jokhil. They had to brief me before entering.

"No matter what you see on the way down or when you get down there, it does not leave this elevator shaft. Do you understand?!" -The Guard began.

"Yes, I understand." They made me reply to every statement made.

"You will not approach the Lord until you have been designated to do so. You will not make any sudden movements, and you will obey every order The Guard or Jokhil gives.

As he continued on, we opened the thick metal doors leading into the elevator. There was enough room to put maybe a pencil in here. It was a tough ride down. As we passed down, I could see the many levels Molten had. The more Gnomes you see on the levels, the farther down you are. There were plenty of interesting levels I never knew were a thing. One level was strictly a testing platform for all the Gnomes inventions. Rumor had it they had made some kind of mechanical gnome cyborg beings. By the looks of it, there were definitely some dwarf ones as well. These advanced beings were testing out their new bodies. Running, working out, movement, speech. Thankfully the elevator moved slow enough for me to soak in all the curiosity I had about these experiments. Honestly, these didn't look right, and there weren't too many of them. But the realization of seeing something like that kind of sent me into shock. Like, why were those gnomes and dwarves in robot bodies? I had to quickly lose those thoughts and focus on the elevator speeding up as we got closer to the bottom. Why did Jokhil want to see me? Is Gogden in trouble for not saying anything before? Is he okay? As the questions popped into my mind, the elevator stopped with a slight pull upward, as if we could have gone down farther. The doors creaked open, and the room expanded beyond belief. It was like I was inside a temple. Statues of dwarves, gnomes and hobbits circled around the room. In the center, a long table, easily could sit fifty people and one tall stone chair sat at the end. Behind that, a large fireplace, kept almost ironically since most of Molten keeps at the same temperature.

The walls lined with tapestry of the different clans before the colonies signed the treaty. Above the fireplace, four large statues depicting the Titans stood proudly, echoing across the room. The Fifth one almost looked shattered, and worn, unrecognizable. Jokhil, Algorab, Matsu and Kaus stared back at me. So caught in the admiration of the room I was met by the gaze of Jokhil himself staring back at me from the stone chair at the end of the table.

"Come, please join us!" - Jokhil's voice boomed across the room and actually made me jump a little. Gogden sat beside him, smiling and looking full from what looked like the biggest feast i think anyone on Molten has ever had. I approached the chair across from Gogden. Jokhil was patting his large hand on the table to the chair I was aiming for. The story of his forearms were no joke, they looked almost unnatural. Considering all the stories I have heard of him weilding an unbelievably heavy hammer for centuries. As I scooted the heavy stone chair back from the table so I could sit, my eyes met Gogden and he was seemingly intoxicated almost. Which is very uncharacteristic of him, but a dwarf will always challenge another to a toast during a feast. Even the Titan himself.

"So tell me Noble, if I am wrong. You have no idea who you are. How you got here. What happened before you got here?" -Jokhil sounding as if he were holding back a laugh.

"My lord, no I do not." -I replied, keeping with dwarf tradition in addressing the Titan.

"Well, first off, I am not your Lord, even though you have had the bread of my people for the last decade." He said with a smile.

"My apologies."

"Loosen up my friend, I am just trying to figure out what is going on. Because, considering the tales, you are no Noble I have ever seen. And I have seen thousands." - Jokhil said staring at me very intensely.

Confused, I had no idea what to say. If I am not a Noble, then what am I? I appear to look like one. Even looking back at the statue of Algorab, it's as if I could claim him to be family.

"What do you think I am? " Curiosity getting the best of me, I asked him as if he was some long time friend.

"Well, here's the thing. You have been here for a decade. You haven't aged. You haven't died from disease, which, if you are not from here, you wouldn't have had any shots in your youth. You can go long periods of time without food or water. You can lift almost as heavy of an object as me. So you wouldn't be human. Very indigenious humanoid creatures from what they call Earth. So I have a theory. Some scavengers of ours picked up debris from something, and somehow got you in with it as well. " -Jokhil said, with a very serious face.

"How do you know how strong I am?" - I said. Feeling stupid because I didn't want that to appear to be the only thing I heard.

Jokhil begins to laugh.

"Well, I figured you were considering the stories I heard." Jokhil takes a deep breath. Another sip out of his golden goblet of wine.

"Do you know who Algorab is?" Jokhil questioned

"I do. He's the Titan of the Nobles."

"Well, he's going to be arriving in twelve hours. I need you to continue what you were doing. Make sure the shipment is done properly. I will sit and talk with him for a long while. But I need you to stay out of sight." Jokhil said sternly. "I do not want him seeing you. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do. Continue as usual and conduct business professionally." I said, towing the company line.

Jokhil slams his large fists down on the table, fierce enough to almost shatter the whole thing. Gogden jumped in surprise and The Guards jumped to attention immediately.

"Gogden, get good rest, and I will look forward to seeing you at your business tomorrow. Remember, you will not be seen!"

Gogden and I nodded our heads in agreement towards the Titan. He stood up and exited the room. The Guards came to Gogden and I and escorted us back to the elevator. Gogden, barely able to stand, leaned against me the entire ride up. We walked back towards home and afterwards back to work.

"You know boy. When I pass, you will take over my business. You will be the greatest trader in the known universe. " Gogden said drunkenly.

I smiled. If Gogden only knew that I won't spend my entire life here. I can't. After sitting next to Jokhil, I feel sick to my stomach. As if he had wronged me. It was almost as if he was challenging me. Why did he not want me to see Algorab? What was he afraid of? That he was hiding some unknown being here for the last decade? I needed answers. I need to find out quickly. Someone has to know how I got here. Perhaps, where from. My thoughts are going to swarm around this for the rest of my shift today.

*Beeping* The dash lit up quite bright. It has been awhile since Jokhil had used the communication device strictly for the Titans.

"Brothers and sisters. I have failed us all. Somehow, HE has been here for the last decade. No memory of anything. " - Jokhil stammered.

"I knew this was wrong from centuries ago when we did this!" Matsu exclaimed.

"Then we kill him." Kaus replied.


"Enough!" Algorab said calmly. "We will figure this out. Our meeting proceeds as planned for tomorrow Jokhil. We will need to plan heavily tonight about what to do if he remembers who he is and what we did. I know it's been centuries since we all last spoke. But has anyone found his people? Does the father live? And how did they evade all of us for so long?"

"No." They all replied.

"We will rewrite what we have done. Maybe we can change a little history for the boy."

The transmission ends. Jokhil is covered in sweat. Been a long time since he had a hint of fear in his soul.