Chapter 3: Sorcerer

I swirl the water around in my crystal glass, keeping my head down while Rena chatters away beside me, overflowing the space between us with her endless runoff. I nod politely from time to time, grunting agreement here and there, all she needs to continue.

A flicker of motion on my left draws my gaze, lifts my chin enough I can observe who hides in wait. I'm not surprised to spot Rupe hunched in the doorway leading to the main hall of the sanctuary. He always seems to hover, on the outside looking in, his face twisted in a mixed look of madness and terrible loss. Big hands flutter at his sides, pattering over the dirty fabric of his jeans, his t-shirt stained and hanging in baggy dejection from his shoulders.

His eyes catch mine, head jerking around as though he knows I'm watching him and, for a moment, I fear he's noticed me. I have nothing to be afraid of. Rupe is Liander's pet, well- heeled and knows full well if he were to harm any of us, his sorcerous master would punish him. And has in the past when Rupe's eager insanity has led him to strike out at one of the sorcerers living in the sanctuary. But there is such hopelessness in the man's eyes, such a lack of reason and so much despair I wonder if perhaps, someday, Liander might lose control of the beast living inside the young sorcerer and, in doing so, let loose such rage as we have never seen.

For he is a sorcerer. I feel the darkness in him, my Oracle's power set deep in the black of that base magic. But he also has fire inside, and a creature I can't identify. At times I sense the same from him as I did with Charlotte, the werewolf woman. But his beast doesn't have the calm quiet of lupine possession. If Rupe is, in fact, part werewolf, something has gone terribly wrong with his assimilation.

Rupe waves at me with sudden enthusiasm and I remember the person he used to be, an image of a tall, strong-willed and handsome man superimposed over the hunched wreck he's become.

"That ghastly piece of work really needs to find somewhere to curl up and die." Rena rolls her eyes, jabbing the air between her and Rupe with her silver fork. "Honestly, he acts like he's still king of this castle or something, instead of a waste of space."

My forehead creases into a frown before I can stop myself, nodding to a young woman who bows to me before taking away my unused cutlery. She has a little power, but is mostly latent, like all the servants who care for the sanctuary. I wonder how difficult it must be for her, surrounded by so much magic and only able to access a fraction of her own. If it were me, I'm not sure if I'd rather avoid the powered, save myself the pain of lack, or be immersed in the hope maybe, one day, my own would wake.

I don't have to worry about such things, but my empathy is more powerful than I am at times. Like now. I study Rupe as he slides further back into shadow, eyes locked on Liander and Sibyl. It's hard not to pity him, at least for me.

"I used to think he was so handsome." Rena sets down her fork as the same young servant takes her plate, waving the girl off with absent arrogance. "You remember?"

I do. I nod in answer, heart seeping a little for Rupe as he shakes his head, tapping his temple with one finger, whispering to himself. Surely Liander could see fit to either heal Rupe or somehow ease his pain?

Rena's eyes narrow as she turns to me. "Tell me you don't feel sorry for him."

I roll my shoulders, sipping my water for a distraction. "He's mad," I say. "There's no need to prolong his suffering."

"Liander seems to think so." Rena sniffs at my reluctance to agree.

Something cracks inside me, anger sizzling in fire through the crumbling ashes of my sadness. "Your precious Liander isn't all that anymore himself." I catch my breath, cursing softly at myself in my head. I never meant to speak that out loud.

Rena winks at me, a wicked grin on her lips. Seems she doesn't care whom she gossips about, as long as she gets the chance to be spiteful. "I know, right?" She casts a slow glance at the end of the table where our grandmother murmurs a conversation with the sorcerer leader. "I remember being so scared of him when we were little." She twiddles her fingers at me, sparks falling from them to the table while I hiss at her and bat them out.

Something changed in him, we all felt it. Eight years ago, things were different. Liander's visits were infrequent, though often enough to keep my grandmother happy. And then, he appeared one night and hasn't left since, at least not for any length of time. Shortly thereafter, his young sorcerers began to appear and the new arrangements with his people and mine began.

"I hear he's lost most of his power." Rena taps the side of my glass with one manicured nail, cheeks rosy with the joy of her secret offering. "That he's hiding here."

I chew my lower lip, not meaning to stare at him but my eyes drawn to his face as she speaks.

The Liander I remember as a girl was arrogant and self-assured. The one who dominates the sanctuary now is bitter, cruel.

"I don't get his reasoning," Rena says, accepting a large slice of chocolate cake from the serving girl. I wave mine off, only to have my cousin grab the girl's arm and pull her back. "Why he had us stop our readings is beyond me."

She's as bad as some of the older Oracles, gossiping so. And I have no doubt her emulation of them is intentional. Her own mother is the queen of controversy, something I do my best to steer clear of.

Rena is correct, though. I remember as a little girl, being asked to read for outsiders, brought to expensive mansions and sea-side houses, penthouse suites and underground offices, all to see the future for private, wealthy clients of the Oracles.

Liander's permanent residence put an end to that. Now, we only read for him. I've often wondered why the change. It feels as though we've lost our purpose, though Liander insists-as does my grandmother-our future depends on our secrecy.

"We should be out there," I mutter. "Helping like we used to."

Rena pokes me with the tines of her fork. "I, for one, prefer not playing trick pony," she says, her arrogance returned. She licks chunks of cake from her knuckles. "Besides, we shouldn't be talking about this."

Leave it to my blabbermouth cousin to tell me I'm speaking out of turn.

Rena is suddenly waving at someone across the table. I look up, startled, to find Sibyl watching us. Our grandmother nods to me and I nod back before ducking my head again, holding her mind at bay, a little surprised she doesn't force the issue. I don't want to talk to her right now. There are times I feel she can see right through me and this isn't a time I'd like to be proven right.

Rena hisses a moment later, setting down her fork even as I feel them approach. I turn slowly, plastering a smile on my face, and stand to greet my grandmother.

She kisses my cheek with her cool lips.

When she turns to greet Rena in the same fashion, Liander takes her place beside me. He's smiling as well, but there is animosity in his eyes and I can't shake the feeling he knows he gives me the creeps.

"Liander!" Rena practically falls over her own feet to reach his side, bubbling with her usual need to be noticed. Never mind she was just speaking ill of him only a moment ago. "So kind of you to come to say hello tonight."

He ignores her, gaze locked on mine as he closes the distance between us by simply swaying forward. I feel his power push against me and allow it, knowing if I resist he'll dig deeper. Let him feel the surface all he wants. I know better than to face off against him. Yes, I'm certain I could defeat him if the matter came to such a conflict, but it's not worth challenging him when my grandmother is watching with her cold gaze.

"Zoe." Liander's voice sends goosebumps down my arms. He must be half snake. "Your grandmother and I would see you in our chambers later."

I can't think of something I'd rather not do, but I nod instead of rebelling.

He turns without a word, Sibyl taking his arm even as he strides off. Rena glares up at me a moment before shrugging off her jealousy.

"Thinks he's all that," she says.
