Chapter 29: The Fire

I stand over the body, cleansed of blood and gore, neatly laid out on another steel slab. At least this time Femke has kept him separate from the others. It's much easier to focus with only one revenant in my presence-or am I growing accustomed to the stench?

She hovers behind me, keeping her distance, has since the Enforcer she sent after Roman and Viveca came to whisper in her ear. But I feel her eyes on the back of my head, making my hackles rise as much as the hunt did, even in my human form. I need to focus on the dead body before me, reaching out, though it disgusts me to the core of my being, and laying one hand on his bare shoulder.

It takes a moment for my inbred need to run howling from the feel of him to settle before I can continue my investigation. Oddly, this would have been much easier to accomplish were he still alive. Carrion-the worst kind of carrion-turns my wolfish stomach as much as my human one.