Chapter 42: Trained For This

I crouch in the tree line on the near side of the Ukraine border and watch a jeep rumble past. This section used to be unguarded, the fence easy to climb. But someone has increased security. If we are to pass here, we must be very cautious.

Hungary lies on the other side. Perhaps I'd be smarter to use the Slovenian crossing. But we are here, now, and I must make a choice.

"Can we do it?" Sage's whisper carries to my ear, barely a breath of sound. He knows how to keep his voice down.

"I think so." I sit back on my haunches, looking up at the sky. It's almost dark again. I want to be over the border before Isabelle and Maks return. I know my werefriend will hunt us, though the travel on the train will hamper his task. Still, if we can reach Hungary, I can steal a car or hitch on another train and cover huge distance before they can figure out where we've gone.