Chapter 70: Wilding Springs

I slip from the driver's seat and into the darkness, Sage padding out beside me on silent wolf feet. It's late, well after 1AM, all the amorous lovers who might use this lookout long gone home. The trees part in the distance, a cliff giving an excellent view of the town below. I catch a whiff of Enforcer magic as Sage tucks close to me, huge head tall enough to reach my waist.

We move as one, quiet and stealthy, abandoning our ride for the edge of the trees. I know enough to stay hidden from prying Enforcer eyes as well as their magic, though we will have to time things perfectly if we expect to keep our arrival a secret for any length of time.

It feels odd to travel with Sage this way and yet not. How strange I feel more comfortable with him in this shape than I ever have with his human form. He's very calm and seems to love being a wolf. At least, he tells me so every time I ask him in a moment of weakness and guilt.