Chapter 72: Safe For Now

The back door swings shut behind me as I enter the familiar house, pacing down the hall toward the stairs. Quaid is just descending, catches me as he hits the bottom, pulling me into a giant hug that lifts me from my feet. I kiss him soundly on the lips, knowing Syd won't mind, wiping tears of my own from my face with impatient hands. Quaid hugs me again, one big hand on my back, the other tangled in the cropped off mess I made of my hair.

"You're okay." He's choked up, deep voice rough. "We were worried."

I nod into his broad chest, the scent of chocolate and spices warming me. "Me, too."

Something hits my leg and I pull back from Syd's husband to discover a very angry silver Persian perched on my foot. His round body quivers, fur on end, ears flat back as fire flares in his amber eyes.

"Charlotte," he snarls. "You are in so much trouble, young lady, I can't even tell you."