Chapter 88: Sweet Vengeance

They are no match for Ethpeal's sorcery, but it's not her I'm worried about. I raise one hand to stop her as she gestures, a sheet of black flame twisting outward from her feet as the trio of Dumonts come to a skidding halt on the slick grass.

"They belong to me." I don't meet her eyes, don't need to. I can feel her power retreating, surrounding me even as Andre pales, damaged face mottled with crusted pus, eyes bulging at the sight of me. He knows he's in trouble as Ethpeal's power dives inside me and breaks the hold Rupe's magic has over my soul. I feel myself freed even as I throw my essence into the wolf, leaping at Andre's throat.

Jean Marc tries to block me with magic, a hoarse shout following a ball of witch fire he hurtles at my head. But I snap at it as my power blazes, devouring the energy and channeling it inside me. Kristophe flees, screaming like a girl, and I let him go even as my front paws impact Andre's chest, carrying him to the ground.