Chapter 92: Retaking The Palace

I know these gates well, have stood on both sides of them in my lifetime, as a slave and a princess. The long, winding road beyond leads through the heavy forest and to the palace where my grandfather and my love await rescue.

Syd stands apart, arms crossed over her chest, the cool night air carrying the promise of winter to come. I stay out of the way of Femke, Eva Southway glued to her hip, where the European Leader talks quietly with a large werewolf through the metal bars.

She'll receive no invitation from Caine, forced to assault the palace if she wants to take control of the situation. A heavy shield keeps us out, no matter our plans to enter. I'm hardly surprised Rupe has protected the grounds, though the power he's expending to protect such a large area has to be draining on his energy.

No matter. Let the army sit here and talk all they want. I'm more than willing to leave Femke and Eva here dealing with politics while I find my own way through Rupe's defenses.