Chapter 22

Star slumped back against the cushions. "Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Theo's lip twitched just a touch in his square, masculine face. "Well, we could, but we should probably shower first." Then he shook his head and rubbed his hand through his hair. "Sorry - that was inappropriate. I've got to admit to being more than a little freaked out right now."

"I understand, believe me." She had a horrible feeling that something very strange was going on, and she had no idea what to make of it. "Do me a favor and help me over to the doorway."


"I want to test a theory." She swung her legs over the side of the couch and held out a hand. Theo immediately helped her to her feet and supported most of her weight as she limped across to the door, the blanket wrapped around her torso and trailing behind them. "Now open the door."

"Honey, it's wet and cold out there."

"Just humor me, okay?"