Chapter 94

It was Evie's last day and he wanted it to be perfect. He'd offered her the option of doing anything she wanted. He loved handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, but he'd happily skip this year if there was something else she wanted to do.

As it turned out, Evie's preferences were pretty simple. They spent the hours from midnight 'til dawn in bed. Then he showed her the joys of shower sex, taking her up against the wall with the water spraying all around them. He shaved her legs for her because she wanted to look more modern, if only for him.

And that led to his carefully shaving her all the way up, until her luscious pussy was as bare and pink as could be. Of course he couldn't resist diving in to taste then filling her so she could feel the difference without hair.

Then he finally let her get dressed. They were both moving gingerly when they made their way down the stairs for brunch. He hadn't had a workout like this since - well, ever.