Chapter 49: Seeing For Myself

I was already leaping into a transport when I released my hold on my power enough to raise the shielding. Enough for

Sassafras to yell at me.

WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING? I felt him coming for me, knew he had to be with Sequoia. His sister radiated horror at

what just occurred and I couldn't bring myself to relive what happened all over again. Not to mention the fact I was so

over people yelling at me all the time. I lifted off and pushed out of the bay as I felt Sass's magic enter.

I'll be right back, I sent. I have to see for myself. I cut him off before he could argue, and knew he was arguing,

probably loudly and to anyone who would listen.

Ahbi had fallen silent when we entered the transport bay, her fury turned to a simmering pot of bitterness.

Grandmother, I sent as gently as I could as I threw us toward Ilogabon, trying to ignore the signs of civil unrest in