My throne was uncomfortable as usual, but this time I didn't notice so much. Victory had a way of softening even the hard
stone of the seat beneath me and after sparring with Mabel for a few hours, I didn't have the power to waste on
cushioning my backside.
Just a few more details to hammer out before the real work began. Part of that work stood before me in open view in front
of the badly shaken and now fearful court. They had so much more to look forward to. I couldn't wait. But, for now, it
was immensely satisfying to see the overdressed and formerly pompous crowd of family shaking in their fur and elaborate
costumes as the Daeva lined the center aisle in their vast numbers.
They even gave me the creeps, so I could only imagine how my family felt.
"Ruler." Raethnn bowed to me, "it is with great pride and respect we welcome you home to your throne. And long may you