Chapter 58

: Where There's Smoke

Michigan, 1926

Elias Andrew Lawson III whistled as he walked down Main Street to the bookstore and newsstand where he always picked up his morning papers. Sure, he could've had the local news delivered right to his doorstep, but this was better. It meant that almost every morning of the week, he got to start the day with Annette Price's smile.

He ducked in the door and tipped his hat - a dashing new tan fedora he'd bought in Chicago last week. "Beautiful day, Nettie."

"Good morning, Mr. Lawson." The pretty young clerk looked up at him with eyes as blue as Lake Michigan on a summer afternoon. There was no smile today, though, and the eyes were quickly shuttered by her long dark lashes. "Which papers will it be today, sir?"

"The Chronicle, of course." Eli always picked up the Carstairs, Michigan paper. As one of the town's three attorneys, it didn't pay to be behind on local knowledge. "And the Chicago Tribune, I think. I had the New York Times yesterday."