Chapter 66

"Now, other than nightgowns and a bed jacket, what do you need from the shops in the morning?" Diana pulled a gold fountain pen and a small notebook from her handbag.

"My cardigan will work as a bed jacket." Nettie looked down at her cut-off sleeve. She was going to need a second nightgown though. "There should be enough money in my purse for a flannel nightie at Woolworth. Eli did bring my purse, didn't he?" Thank heavens Carstairs was big enough to have a five-and-dime store, even if a nightgown would cost more like a dollar or two. And thank heavens she still had some of the grocery money in her handbag.

"And a housecoat for once you're up and around a bit." Diana blithely ignored anything Nettie had to say. "Talcum? Face cream? Perfume? Did my idiot brother think to bring those things?"