Chapter 3

Left in her state if sexual frustration, Sister Jonson began screaming on the pinnacle of her lungs, causing her neighbors to come rushing to her assistance; believing she was in danger.

After pounding on her front door relentlessly, for several minutes, Sister Jonson, finally came to the door to enquire what her neighbors wanted from her.

"Ms. Jonson, are you okay?"

One woman asked.

"We heard like you were having prayers with someone over hear, and then suddenly, we heard this thunderous screaming like you were being robbed or attacked!"

Another neighbor interjected.

"Yes, you heard right, the pastor from my church and I were having prayer meeting not too long ago, but he left not too long ago! And then, I began cleaning out my closet, and came across this huge cock roach which just flew out on me, so I began screaming while trying to get it off me!"

Ms. Jonson explained.

"So would you like us to come inside and assist you in finding it and getting rid of it for you?"

One of the husband's to one of her neighbors asked.

"No need for that, I got it under control; it is down in the toilet now! And thanks for being such wonderful neighbors!"

Sister Jonson expressed.

"Well, we are quite happy to hear that you are alright, and if you need help with anything, please call us and let us come and help you out, okay, Ms. Jonson!"

One of the men in the group of neighbors offered.

"I surely, will take you up on that; one of these days!"

Sister Jonson eagerly fired back.

While removing herself from behind the door which was partially ajar, for him to see her tugging and twitching at her flimsy silky robe. And before the neighbors could leave her presences and she acted on closing the door behind them, Sister Jonson, spoke out loudly not intending for them to hear her!

"That son of a bitch, Reverent Ron took off with my money and left me here, feeling horny!"

Now the neighbors were staring at each other in great disbelief, wondering if she was going insane or what she had just spoken had actually happened - had really come from her lips!

Trying to make sure, their neighbor wasn't denying being robbed, one of the visiting neighbors returned to Sister Jonson front door and began pounding on it once again; seeking for the truth!

"Ms. Jonson, we thought, we just over heard you saying, 'some son of a bitch has taken your money and'..."

"No, you heard wrong!

Ms. Jonson shouted, interjecting before she could even finish her conversation.

Or probably, I just was thinking out loud about some other matter... no such thing happened, my dear!"

Sister Jonson try explaining while practically slamming her door in her neighbor's faces, and belching out a warning which would utterly leave them in a state of shock!

"You keep on letting your husband banging on my front door, and he will be the one in my bedroom next!"

Sister Jonson exclaimed before completely closing the door to her house, once again.

Her neighbors were now marching through her front gate with some serious concerns about her, because they had never seen her behave like this before - so outright shameless, and vulgar about her sexuality! And never before, had anyone of them heard her speaking with such untamed tongue either!

"Something is definitely wrong with, Ms. Jonson!"

They all had agreed.

And soon, they began thinking about contacting one of her relatives to come and see about her, before her presumed situation had gotten any worse or out of hand!

But, there weren't any pending situation that should ever get any worse with her, later on. Since Sister Jonson, was only acting out, behaving rambunctious, because Reverent Ron had boondoggle her, left her horny and in a state of sexual deprivation after he had gotten her riled up for bedroom pleasures!

And there, she was sitting in her house thinking on how to get even with him without getting the entire congregation involved in their growing escapade.

Sister Jonson knew that the church was growing, and especially, with young people! But, she also came to learn from Reverent Ron's own lips that the young people were packing the church, however, they weren't throwing much tithes and offerings in the offering baskets!

Therefore, she was pretty sure, as there is a heaven, he would be coming back to her house pleading with her, for her to give him money to help pay for the church utilities. And then and only then, she would have him exactly where she wanted him... in her bed, kissing on what she called her voluptuousness!

Sister Jonson, told herself that the next time around, he wouldn't be getting a dime out of her, until, he supposed to do for her what she wanted to be done by him, in her bedroom. And only then, would she assist him with the funds he was requesting from her to help with his cause.

The cat and mouse game had just begun!

The gray hair woman and the gospel preaching man were now in a silent battle, covered in deep secrecy that it would take only the army of Fort Knox to rip it apart!

Like a teenager, Sister Jonson lay in her bedroom and began conjuring up every devious inventions possible which she intended on using to destroy the reverent man; making his life on this earth, a living hell!

She thought about slashing the tires of his vehicle and putting sugar in the gas tank of his car, damaging the engine. And also, to start a rumor that he was still hitting on the coke pipes and snorting on the white angel dust that had him out of his natural mind for many years.

It was now, only left up to time for her to start executing her cunning, conniving and crafty schemes against Reverent Ron, but, pity she didn't know that he was just as sly!

While arriving back at the church, Reverent Ron went to Brother Steve's office located in the basement of the church where he found him with hands clasp and head bowed like he was silently praying.

Seeming to be in a rush, Reverent Ron demanded that Brother Steve took a thousand dollars from whatever was collected during the tithes and offering session and pay for the utilities of the church, bring the rest to the bank and then book a flight for him to go to Jamaica!


"You are going to Jamaica?"

Brother Steve asked surprisingly.

"Did you hear me spluttered? I said book me a flight to Jamaica first thing in the morning!"

Reverent Ron barked at his assistance.

Brother Steve was now confused!

He knew that they had collected a substantial amount of money in the offering bucket, but, not enough money for him to book a flight for the pastor to travel to Jamaica, make hotel reservation and provide dinning; or whatever else came along with travelling out of the country.

All his other reservations before this were national and didn't cost that much money, because, Reverent Ron didn't care to be in any hotel after he was done preaching. But instead, would rest his head same place in one of the churches he had gone out to preach and save souls for the Lord.

But now, he was going internationally and needed a decent place to sleep, food to eat, and a safe environment where he could be at peace; relax and meditate after done doing his so call, missionary work!

Brother Steve had put all these things into consideration but was quite nervous; because he didn't see the available funds to cover this costly expense; knowing there were workers at the church who also needed to be paid that very same week!

Nevertheless, he charged himself to the orders of obedience; so comes Monday morning, even though nervous, he went straight ahead and did what he was told to do; with much hesitation.

First stop, were the utility companies where Brother Steve paid the light, water and telephone bills for the Heavenly Waters Pentecostal church. And then, he was hopping on buses and making his way to the bank to deposit all the tithes and offering collected from the three Sunday services.

He was now at the bank standing in line with swollen feet, waiting his turn to be seen by the bank teller which he eventually did, after standing and waiting there for hours in the crowded space.

Finally, out of the bank and rushing back to the church to start calling various travel agencies; so he could book Reverent Ron flight to Jamaica. Brother Steve ran into a group of young guys - teenagers who began calling him a faggot and Reverent Ron's personal bitch just after exiting the gates of the bank.

And they weren't being mild or secretive about it either!

"Hey, blue-eyes lady, your husband sent you to bank, though!"

One lad taunted.

"Church boy, you don't know that God made Adam and Eve to be together, and not Adam and Steve?"

Another lad asked teasingly!

"Batty Boy, what kind of a man are you; sleeping with the pastor and his wife at the same time, and then say you handing out holy-communion to people in the church?"

Another boy interjected questioningly.

Ignoring them, Brother Steve went over to the opposite side of the street; so he could catch the bus home. And while waiting for his bus to arrive, the group of young lads followed him and began taunting him even more about his sexuality.

Some had even dropped their pants and began tearing their batty cheeks apart asking him if he wanted it; and he should come and touch them; so they could pull out his devilish eyes from its sockets and push them down his throat!

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, Brother Steve walked away from the group of boys and began making his way on foot. While drastically crying about this degrading attack and how no one has a right to treat him this way as he made his way in the direction of the church.

But, it still wasn't over just yet!

The teenagers began following behind him, kept on pulling on his butt cheeks which were more on the plummy side and began hitting him on his buttocks with whatever they could find to hit him with. As they continuously jabbed between his but cheeks with their pencils and soda bottles!

Like a wounded animal, Brother Steve haphazardly began to run away from the scene while the boys chase after him and threw out words of disdain at him, as if, his desire to be gay was personally hurting them.

Thankfully, someone was merciful and called the police attention to the situation!

Few minutes later, sirens could be heard in the distance, coming towards where the attack on Brother Steve was taking place!

The group of boys began scattering in several direction as they heard the police sirens coming towards them while one of the shopkeepers along the side of the street aided him with a seat and a small towel to clean up his face.

Not long after sitting down at the storefront, the bus he was waiting on flew pass him, leaving him to be vulnerable on the streets again and even much longer!

However, the cops came along, took a report of what had happened to Brother Steve, and offered to drive him home after he had out rightly express to them that he didn't need to go to any hospital since his bruises were merely superficial and not life threatening.

But in all honesty, the only thing that was on Brother Steve's mind was getting back to his office in the church so he could set in motion the travelling itinerary for Reverent Ron's trip; from Texas to Jamaica!

Regrettable, for Brother Steve, one of the officers who came on the scene to inquire about the criminal matter was one of his longtime school mates. Who back then, was very oppose to the fact that he had these feminine tendencies or girlish characteristics.

He was one of them back then who use to call him a bitch, a pussy and Ms. Doris daughter at the school they both attended. And when the officer had revealed to him who he was, it brought back so many frightening memories to Brother Steve mind, causing him to piss on himself and wet his pants, same place in the police car!

Brother Steve was now shaking, and swore he was going to experience another ass whopping or brutal attack from the officer whom he had grown up with like he use to do to him back then.

He was sweating, his clothing was soaking wet, and his imagination was taking him to places that his heart could barely manage to uphold!

Sharp pains were in his chest, his heart was skipping beats and his lungs weren't exchanging the flow of oxygen like it usually does or was supposed to do!

Brother Steve swore that he was finish... this was the end of him!

He wanted to scream.

"Take me to the hospital now!"

But the words, just wouldn't come forth.

And there in the back of the police cruiser, Brother Steve sat, grabbing on to his chest presuming and anticipating that this was his very last daylight on God's green earth!

Until, the police car stopped at the side entrance of the church building and the officer stepped out of the vehicle, opened the car door for him, and nicely asking him to please step out of the vehicle.

Brother Steve couldn't believe his eyes when he looked and saw the familiar site of the church building in his reach and couldn't enter it!

He was happy to be the place where he had felt the safest than anywhere else in his community. But, exiting the police vehicle was a whole other story because the entire car seat was now drowning with his urine.

Sitting there for a while contemplating on how to make his move out of the vehicle or explain to officer that he had an accident in his car, Brother Steve just sat there looking at the officer with sad guilty eyes like he was a clueless puppy dog!

"What's the hell wrong with you why you don't get out of the fucking vehicle?"

The officer shouted; thinking that Brother Steve was trying to make a pass at him!

But, Brother Steve big blue eyes was only looking sadder and sadder and getting wider and wider, as if, they were about to pop-out from their sockets with tears!

The officer wanted to give him his hand and helped him out of the vehicle, but was reluctant in doing so, fearing Brother Steve might have taken his courteous gesture in the wrong way; encouraging his homosexual tendencies because he held his hands.

Nevertheless, time was going and the officer needed to respond to the next incoming emergency call; so he stretch forth his strong muscular hands and pulled Brother Steve up from where he was seated in the vehicle and had him balance on his feet.

Fearfully, Brother Steve uttered and faint "Thank you!" to the officer as he made one step away from the vehicle, slowly.

About to close the door to the police car, the officer saw the stream of liquid running on the back seat of the car and soon thereafter, the stench became imminent to him.

"What the hell is this?"

The officer shouted!

Before Brother Steve could answer him, the officer realized what it was... that it was urine! And in a state of anger, he punched Brother Steve in the face, causing him to fall right back into the car and then back into the pool of piss he had created!

"You know what, you are going to clean up this shit; you hear me!"

The officer barked.

Now he began pulling Brother Steve up from the vehicle by his shirt while yelling at him...

"Go and get soap and water, and come back and clean off my car seat, right now!"

"And don't let me wait too long, you clumsy bitch!"

The officer mumbled under his breath!

Hastily, Brother Steve ran inside the church building, and minutes later, he was back with soapy water, rags and several small towels to clean up his mess he had made in the back seat of the police car.

Quickly and swiftly, he soap down the seat of the police cruiser, rinsed it off and then properly dried it with the towels he had placed across his shoulders. And when he was done doing so, he prayerfully apologized to the officer and begged for his forgiveness!

But, the officer wasn't in the mood for Brother Steve's apologies and told him to get away from his presence as he hopped back into the vehicle, blasted the sirens and drove off with colorful lights flashings in every direction while Brother Steve stood there staring like he was in shock!

Feeling beaten down, crappy, and very ashamed, Brother Steve locked himself inside his office and began weeping before heading to the washroom and having himself cleansed from all the stench of the urine that was now upon his body.

But, unable to overcome the emotional pain he was enduring Brother Steve continued to seat himself in the washroom and remain there weeping until someone came pounding on the door, telling him that there was a phone call from Reverent Ron waiting for him.

It was only then that he remembered that he was supposed to be calling various travel agencies to book Reverent Ron's flight to Jamaica!

Hastily, Brother Steve ran to his office to collect the call, saying;

"Hello, Reverent Ron!"

"Did you book my flight as yet?"

Reverent Ron asked abruptly.

"Not yet Reverent Ron!"

Brother Steve replied.

"I thought I told you to do so, as soon as you returned from the bank!"

Reverent Ron stated.

"I just returned from the bank a few minutes ago; plus, I ran into a little situation on the streets causing the police to bring me back at the church. But, as soon as I get off the phone with you, I'll do just that!"

Brother Steve responded.

And before he could ask him if he needed him for anything else, a clicking sound greeted Brother Steve, and then, the phone went dead!

Wasting no more time, Brother Steve changed out of his robe, immediately got himself dress and went straight to the phone and began calling numerous travelling agencies. Trying to get an early and reasonable flight for Reverent Ron's presumable missionary trip to Jamaica!

After calling several travel agencies for hours, he finally got a break!

There was a flight leaving to Jamaica on Monday of the following week and offered and all inclusive package deals which was at a reasonable price.

Right away, Brother Steve got on the phone to call Reverent Ron to tell him about flight he had that was available and the price; and also to inquire of him if that arrangement was good enough for him.

Happily, Reverent Ron gave him the okay to book the flight, and then there was dead silence on the phone again!

Immediately, Brother Steve went back on the phone talking with the travelling agent about accepting their package deal for the trip to Jamaica for six hundred and fifty dollars. And then, he collected his ticket number, the time of the flight and the name of the hotel in which his boss would be staying for a week on the island of Jamaica!

Carefully, Brother Steve gave the travelling agent the account number to the church's bank account, so the expenses could be paid to them, and later, he collected all the information that was needed to make the trip out of the country possible.

Everything was now confirmed and in order, and Brother Steve only needed to get on his computer and type up all the travelling information for Reverent Ron's trip; so he could have it, to present at the Air Port on the day of his flight!

And so he did!

Seven days later, Reverent Ron kissed his family good-bye and was boarding a plane to Kingston Jamaica with Sister Jonson's three thousand dollars in his jacket pocket!

A safe and smooth landing took place in Kingston Jamaica by the American Airlines crew, three hours later after departing from the George Bush International Airport in Huston Texas. And hours after checking out at the Airport in Kingston, Reverent Ron was escorted to his hotel in a coach bus waiting for him and other travelers at the arrival gate of the Airport.

Quickly, Reverent Ron tried making friends with the driver of the bus, getting as much detail from him as he could about where they various denominations were located in the city. And also, where all the hot night spots were doing their pleasurably businesses around the city!

Eagerly, the driver flooded him with all the information he needed to possible worship and also to have a good time!

Right after checking in at the hotel front desk and bringing his luggage to his room, Reverent Ron took advantage of the all-inclusive package the hotel had offered.

Taking himself to the hotel dining area and began chowing down on whatever that was available for him to eat and his stomach could manage while mingling and conversing with like travelers.

If he had no reason to come back to the island, the food alone would have brought him back, especially the curry goat and the coconut water mixed with mango juice!

Since the evening was still young, Reverent Ron met up with the driver of the bus in the parking lot of the hotel and then the both of them headed for the streets scouting out all the various places that seemed to be of interest to the preacher man.

As he took the addresses of this church and that church while contemplating on how he was going to greet them after making his godly appearances.

Satisfied with what he had seen, he began asking the bus driver about other churches outside of the city where he could visit while their services were session.

Generously, the bus driver drove him around five miles out of the city, to a place called St. Catharine where he stopped on a street which had seven different churches on the same stretch of road.

This was a phenomenon Reverent Ron could not believe!

"Seven churches on the same street all conducting services at the same time!"

He exclaimed loudly.

"I need to find a message for this right here!"

"There is got to be a message for this somewhere in the bible!"

He amusingly told himself.

Seeing enough, Reverent Ron returned to his hotel where he generously handed the bus diver one hundred American dollars, thank him for his courtesy and winning personality before shaking hands and introducing himself as the preacher man seeking souls for Christ!

Now they began exchanging names and numbers, hoping, his next visit to the island they both could connect and possible go on another mini tour of the city or someplace else; on the island.

Ending his conversation with the bus driver, Reverent Ron was now on the elevator to his hotel room to shower and sleep.

He had big plans and a lot of grounds to cover, however, most of the churches wouldn't be opening their doors for public meeting until Wednesday night; when they would be conducting Bible studies or deliverance services.

Therefore, Reverent Ron set his focus to the pleasurable aspect of his trip and just after eating his meal Tuesday evening, and dawn became dust, he got dressed and headed straight for the night clubs; claiming, he was going there to win souls for Christ.

Armed with his bible and few dollars in his wallet, Reverent Ron got to the streets, catches a cab and went club hopping under the anointing of the Most High God!

Proclaiming that he was going to speak Christ to the lost and forgotten and take on the banter which many other men or women of the cloth had forgotten and refuses to take on as part of their religious calling. Declaring to himself that this is exactly what Jesus Chris would have done, if he was here right now in the flesh!

Looking sharp like a razor, Reverent Ron was stepping inside one of the hottest night clubs in the city where girls were dancing, gays were flaunting themselves about and grayed hair old men were looking for some form of companionship or another; for the night.

With his bible close to his heart, Reverent Ron walked up to the bar counter and loudly asked for orange juice and two bottles of cokes. The orange juice was for him and the coke was for whomever he had gotten to sit with him at his table for the night!

Slowly sipping on his orange juice at his table, one female scantily clad, came dancing towards him and flirtatiously smiling at him as she passed her hands gently across his shoulders while uttering wooing words to him that said.

"Hi, Cutie Pie, do you mind me joining you tonight?"

The female asked with winking eyes and a smile covered in gold!

Without any objection Reverent Ron nodded; pulling out the chair next to him and indicating for her to sit down beside him.

It was a scenario he knew very well!

He was a man of the night, before giving himself to Christ, and knew every trick in the book that could be played amongst the pimps and prostitutes of the streets!

"If you care for a drink, you can have anyone of these sodas; I haven't opened any of them as yet!"

Reverent Ron offered.

"Don't care for anything stronger?"

The female asked, smilingly.

"Actually no... I'm having orange juice and these cokes are for anyone who cares to come over to sit with me!"

Reverent Ron stated.

"This little table here is like my living room, and whoever comes to sit in my living room, I have something to offer them to drink, and they can have anything they want except, anything that alcoholic!"

Reverent Ron went on to explain.

"Okay then, it's your party; so you can rock it anyway you want it!"

The female responded.

Minutes later, Reverent Ron was at the bar counter again asking for a drinking glass, pouring the drink for the young woman and asking her for her name.

"Everybody calls me, Bobbles!"

She responded.

Reverent Ron knew that she had a legitimate name and wouldn't give it to him unless she had gotten to really trust him or had come to really know him, liked him or felt some connection towards him.

So, he knew very well to let well be!

"And what is your name, Mr. fine and handsome?"

Bobbles asked.

Not wanting her to know that he was a man of the cloth just yet, Reverent Ron responded.

"Ronald Miller, is my name

Then trying to kill two birds with one stone, Reverent Ron inquired.

"So who around here is your good friend... please feel free to let him or her join us at the table!"

Reverent Ron suggested.

"You are some strange freak Ronald, you don't drink alcohol, but yet still, you want to have a threesome with me and my friends?"

Bubbles asked with wondering eyes.

"I didn't say anything about us having any threesome; that's all in your mind, because this is what these dudes around here might have put to you before, doesn't mean that is what I'm into!"

Reverent Ron interjected.

"Well, of course they do!"

"This is not any church; someone around here is always trying to get their freak on, whether they are young or old!"

Bobbles responded shamelessly.

"Well, I'm not like one of those dudes, at least, not anymore!"

Reverent Ron confessed boastfully.

"I only want to talk, be your friend, share some different perspective about life that might impact you, and change your life for the better!"

Reverent Ron spoke, trying slowly to interject the preaching of the gospel into his conversation.

Bubbles friend Cindy was on the stage dancing at the time and as soon as she was done doing so, Bubbles signaled for her to come by the table and join her and Ronald for a drink. Giving her the other bottle of coke that was sitting there on the table and introducing her to Ronald, her supposedly inspiring new friend

And just after Cindy had her third sip of the chase-less glass of coke, Reverent Ron began telling them about Jesus and quoting scriptures in their hearing!

Soon after, he was boldly asking them if they had accepted Jesus Christ, and wanted to give their lives to the lord and if they wanted him to pray for them right then and there.

Without hesitation, both ladies said, "Yes!"

And right there in the club, amongst the pounding sounds of disco music, woes, pimp sand idolaters; Reverent Ron began laying hands on Cindy and Bobbles head and passionately started praying for them like he was at the alters of one of his visited churches!

During the laying on of hands, Bobbles had presumable caught the holy-spirit, and was now gyrating on the floor speaking in tongues and calling out the name of Jesus Christ, fervently and repeatedly like she expected to see him appeared there.

And like in the moments of wonderful sex, the prayerful ecstasy came drizzling down after moments of speaking in tongues and calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be their shepherd, savior and spiritual guide.

Now standing on her feet, Bubbles and Reverent Ron embrace passionately for a while and there in the night club, she looked into Reverent Ron eyes and said;

"Man of God, as of now your God will be my God and wherever you go, I will go with you!"

And with much elation, Reverent Ron turned to her and asked;

"Do you have a Visa?"

Sadly, Bubbles shook her head, indicating a 'no' to his seemingly very important question. And she knew from then on that she would have to find a way to carry on this new religious banter on her own or with only her Jesus Christ!

Now, she wasn't sure, if she should pack her bags and exit the club immediately! Or, if she should get back on stage and continue dancing for the sinners seated in front of her and to the worldly music that was playing which was usually excitement for her!

Dancing was their jobs right now and it was what they were being paid to do!

But, with this drastic change like night and day or black and white in their lives; neither ladies weren't quite sure of what to do now with themselves! So, they began seeking answers from the preacher man who had just led them to his Christ and his Lord.

Unfortunately, he too wasn't too sure of what to advice the new born again Christians on what to actually do since this was his very first time saving souls in an arena like this one.

He had just dismantled their way of living by bringing them to Christ; so he had to tell them something that made sense and was logical to them and their living situation, and how they were going to be making a living; and they needed answers quickly!

And in his moment of logical thinking and brain storming, Reverent Ron came up with a practical solution to his evangelizing dilemma. And so the preacher man told Bubbles and Cindy to get back on stage and keep on dancing, until either he or they had heard a word from the Lord!