Chapter 10

Sunday morning was church as usual at the Mount Olive Pentecostal Church, held in the parish of St. Catherine. And everyone in the congregation seemed to be happy in the Lord and enjoying the comforts of the holy-spirit and being touched by the word given to them by the pastoral body.

Pastor Matalan was even happier than usual because he felt blessed to have his divine partner, Reverent Ron, right by his side in the running of the church who has been a wonderful blessing in his life, thus far!

Being on the island with his new best friend, Reverent Ron too was overly excited because his building project had gone through great steps of improvement, and the finishing touches were soon coming to a close... only fixtures, painting and flooring were left to be done now!

It was going near to four months since he had been on the island and he was feeling just like one of the natives - a Jamaican!

But, even more degrading; three weeks had already passed since Reverent Ron and the former sex-worker had slept together and was pretending as if, nothing had actually happened between them both; while in Pastor Matalan house.

Cheerfully and loving they greeted each other daily like they have been wonderful old time friends; right in front of Pastor Matalan. Who had only considered their friendly gestures to be nothing but pure Christian love and the act of caring for another human being the way it was supposed to be.

Just like they always do every Sunday evening after service; sit down together and have dinner while Reverent Ron filled their ears with the good and bad of America and how he was having so much fun here in Jamaica!

It was just a warm, social and friendly atmosphere to him, even though, he had gotten a fine ass whopping in one of the night clubs!

But, this Sunday evening in particular was quite different! Because, all of a sudden; everything that touches Sharon's mouth was very up-setting to her stomach, causing the man who wanted to marry her someday believing that she was suffering from a case of food poisoning!

Nothing at all was staying down in her stomach and the convulsions were coming rapidly like a production station in a manufactory company - swiftly, one after the other!

While the man who have been adoring her presences in his life just held her closely to him and gentle rubbed her face like she was a sweet little baby!

Soon after their Sunday evening dinner, Pastor Matalan brought Sharon to their bedroom where he helped her got washed before gentle tucking her into bed!

However, in the morning around the breakfast table, the same thing began happening again and again... the convulsions wouldn't stop coming!

Unable to keep her meals down, she strangely began feeling light headed, also.

This seems to be a very serious matter and Pastor Matalan was now ready to take his darling wife to the doctor to have her get checked out! Because he knew, something was definitely wrong with her that he didn't quite understand!

But in her state of gurgitation, Reverent Ron opened his mouth and spoke words that had everyone in the room staring and eyes bulging!

"My friend; you better hurry up and have this grand wedding before your lady's belly starts showing and the congregation start talking that you fornicating with her before you two exchange the wedding rings and the vowing!"

Shockingly, staring at him, Pastor Matalan blurted out firmly.

"I have done no such thing!"

"And even if I wanted to impregnate her, I couldn't, because many years ago I have done a procedure called; vasectomy!"

"Said you did what?"

Reverent Ron shockingly lashed out.

"I said I'm sterile - I had a vasectomy many years ago because I have an allergic reaction to condoms... to most rubbers for that matter!"

Pastor Matalan explained.

Reverent Ron now began staring at Sharon, as if, all the blinking muscles and sensors in his eyes went crippled!

While Sharon turned her head to the kitchen window, pretending as if, she was catching a dosage of fresh air from the open window to make herself feel better!

Not sure what else to do; the preacher man began praying out loud for this ailment Sharon was hosting to end, and leave her body, immediately!

When Reverent Ron was through praying, he began singing his favorite Bob Marley song...

"Baby don't worry, about a thing; because every little thing is gonna be alright!"

And the more he tried readying himself to leave the house; was the more he raised his voice to sing the lyrics of the Bob Marley song "Three Little Birds At My Door Step" until he was through the gate of his friend's yard and heading to the site where he was building his own house.

It was the first in a long time since Reverent Ron had gotten nervous... shaking inside and out, about what he had done to Sharon, his best friend future wife and now girlfriend!

A baby was on the way and he realized that this baby got to be his!

What was he going to do now... how was he going to explain himself out of this situation?

His only way out was through prayers and he prayed himself weak for hours and hours, but no exact words came from his god!

Pastor Matalan has been a very good friend to him since he came to the island and visited his church and who have allowed him prominence status in his church when the church up the road had physically thrown him out of their church building. While they were conducting their Wednesday nights fellowship meetings!

He had given him shelter and had helped him to get the project of his house up off the ground and running smoothly!

And now, he had totally messed up everything by sleeping with his friend's woman and possible getting her pregnant!

Carefully analyzing their relationship, he was not only his friend; but his very best friend in this world; something he knew that he needed to cherish and respect!

How was he going to break the news to him that his wife to be, was carrying his baby?

The entire day on the construction site, Reverent Ron was troubled and doing more praying than helping out with working around the building site!

Praying that Pastor Matalan would find it in his heart to forgive him for this deceitful and sinful act, he had committed in his own house!

Reverent Ron thought about running... booking his flight and escaping back to America; leaving house and land and the fabulous life-style he had dreamt of living on the island on Jamaica for quite some while!

Through it all, Reverent Ron then felt the urge to repent - to come clean and let his spirit man be free from the secret he was inwardly harboring!

So, he decided, he was going to confess to his friend about what had actually transpired a few weeks ago while he was in his study and then, they could take it from there; hopefully without any warring going on!

"If my repenting is going to terminate our friendship then that is a bitter pill I will have to painfully swallow!"

He thought to himself.

But, there was a new life on the way now who is going to be needing love, security, and a good home to grow up in; and flourish well in this game of life!

And if Pastor Matalan was in the mood of rejecting him and his wife to be, Sharon Stone, after hearing the truth about what had actually happened between him and her had been revealed. Then owning up to his responsibility of this illegitimate child was a heavy cross he was willing to throw over his shoulder and fully bear!

It was long after the resting of the sunset before Reverent Ron return home to Pastor Matalan's house that Monday evening. And he was quite surprise to find him and Sharon still cuddled-up in their living room chair waiting for him to return home from his construction site.

There and then, he wondered, if now was a good time to let the cat out of the bag... say what was troubling his mind, but doubt held him back!

He also wanted to speak with Sharon in private about her trip to the doctor and what was the verdict - the doctor's finding; but he didn't know how to bring up the subject matter right then and there in front of her husband. Or, how to call her away from her expected husband side without looking suspicious!

But soon, his mode of wittiness and commonsense kicked in and he hurried into the kitchen, purposely drop the firing pan with the meat on the floor! Causing Sharon to soon come running inside the kitchen to investigate and then assisted him with whatever that was happening!

"Ho my lord, Reverent Ron; how did you manage to let the pot fall off the stove and spill everything on the floor?"

"Why didn't you just call me to dish out your meal for you?"

Sharon continued to ask perplexingly.

Ignoring her questions, Reverent Ron firmly asked in whispering sounds.

"How did your trip to the doctor went today?"

Immediately, Sharon began stuttering and finally she replied...

"We didn't bother going today; but if I'm still feeling ill tomorrow then we will be going to see the doctor then!"

"I believe I have gotten you pregnant; what happens when he finds out... because he can't get you pregnant, he had a vasectomy!"

Reverent Ron covertly whispered in Sharon ear, cautioning that Pastor Matalan wouldn't hear, what about, they were conversing in the kitchen.

But, the preacher man was quite amazingly astonished to hear Sharon's response when letting out these words.

"Well, if he cannot get me pregnant then he should be more than very happy that someone else did the job for him!"

"I'm no senior citizen or grandmother, from he made the decision to marry me, he is supposed to know that I'm going to need a baby in this house to proof my fertility and run around this house!"

"What sensible woman is going to marry a man and don't even have one child to show from the marriage, for him?"

Sharon lashed out vexingly while hissing her teeth.

Serenely shoving his hands inside his jeans pockets, Reverent Ron ask; while his brain came up with several ideas of what could possible happen after this shameful revelation came out.

"So, you have no intention of aborting this baby because of your intended marriage to him?"

Reverent Ron asked with great concern.

"Look at it this way, Reverent Ron, he is a Christian and so am I! And if he is unable to look pass my mistakes that I had no control over; then he is just not the man for me to be working out myself about!"

The Pastor in Training simply explained.

"And if, he is unable to see this child as a miracle... a complete blessing to him and me... a child who we both can raise as our own son or daughter after him being unable to impregnate me; then something is definitely wrong with him, and not me! So whether he decides on marrying me or not, no abortion is happening now, later, or ever with this baby inside of me!"

Sharon Stone went on expressing, while mopping away the spilled food from off the kitchen flooring!

Even though, her mind was troubled about all that she was thinking and saying; her heart was still filled with generosity to the man who had brought her a loaf of blessing and bowl of shame on the same table!

And so, she turned her attention to asking the preacher man; what would he like her to fix him for supper!

"Anything you want to fix, I'll eat!"

He replied.

Soon she was pouring cooked rice, a thin of corn beef and diced tomatoes into a frying pan! And just after serving him his supper, Sharon went back to snuggled up in the chair beside her intended husband, Pastor Matalan!

For a good while they sat there just chatting and enjoying each other presence until their house guest was done eating, went for his shower and then went off to bed!

Reverent Ron wanted to join them in the living room, but he was up against two ill-wills; he was feeling guilty about getting his friend's wife pregnant and he was also dead tired from spending all day at the building site with this shameful burden in his spirit!

So he thought going to bed, sleeping off his troubles and the worries consuming his head would be best for him; and would somehow, ultimately made him feel better by morning!

But, morning would come, and when it came, all three took their place in the kitchen making breakfast, and then the symptoms of Sharon's morning sickness arrived once again!

Not waiting another second, Pastor Matalan heaped up his wife to be and brought her straight to his general practitioner to investigate what was the matter with her!

Taking her vital signs and having a urine test done on her, the doctor came back with the positive results that Sharon was indeed baking a pumpkin in the oven - she was definitely pregnant for sure!

"Doctor that is impossible!"

Exclaimed the intended husband.

"I have barely touch her in that way, and you know as well that I have had a vasectomy years ago!"

Pastor Matalan went on raving!

Now, the doctor sat there scratching his head while staring into the face of the frustrated husband-to-be as he thought of the medical possibilities that would bring about a baby without a male and a female connecting. But he refuse to open his mouth and pronounced to him the judgment call!

After the three sat there for a while in silence; looking at each other as though they were all crazy! Until, the doctor finally spoke and asked.

"Ms. Stone, is there something you are not saying that you would really like to tell your husband?"

For a moment, Sharon refused to open her mouth, but her husband-to-be spoke instead!

"Doctor, please don't go there... what are you insinuating... this woman has slept in my bed beside my side every single night; so I know for sure, she hasn't been running around with some other man or guy out there in the streets!"

"Okay then Pastor Matalan; you tell me, what you think have happen with your girlfriend here.... Some form of immaculate conception?"

"If you think for a second that's what had really happened to her then you are certainly seeking counseling from the wrong person, and should be talking to the priests or clergy men at the Vatican instead!"

The doctor suggested with a leery look on his face.

Pastor Matalan was lost for words... he was now the one scratching his head and staring at the doctor, as if, he had just come down with a sudden case of lunacy!

But it was the doctor's quick thinking that had jolted him back into reality and out of his quick state of insanity!

"Ms. Stone, why don't you tell your partner if you have been seeing someone else, if you have been raped, or had an unexpected fling that you weren't prepare for, or didn't intended on having?"

Desperately, Sharon wanted to tell Pastor Matalan of her spur of the moment sexual affair with his now best friend, Reverent Ron, but, she was drastically afraid of what his reactions were going to be, if the truth was reveal to him without the presences of any security team!

She wasn't too afraid that he would hit her or do her much physical harm; but she was more afraid of the effect such hurtful news would have on his mind and also on his heart!

"How would he ever trust any other woman or any other man around him again?"

Were the questions she asked herself!

However, she was in the doctor's office now and having second thoughts... thinking, this should be an ideal place for bearing the bad news to him more than anywhere else, that she could possible think of!

At least, they were in a surrounding where medical professionals were working who could talk some sense back into him if his reaction became unruly, boisterous or any insanity had kicked in!

Or, they could just inject something into his body if the news had caused him to be in a state of shock, eventually bringing about a stroke or a sudden heart attack!

Knowing the truth, Sharon honestly read Pastor Matalan the verdict as she reached for his hand and gentle held it between hers as she began speaking!

"I was in bed - our bedroom a few weeks aback and our guest at the house, Reverent Ron, came in our room and began making out with me in the wee hours of the morning!"

"This should never have happened, but honestly, I really thought it was you, at first!"

"And before I knew it, he closed the door behind him and then began putting it on me!"

"It was after he closed the door and entered me that I came to realized that it was him and not you my darling! And since the doctors had sniped you, I realized it has to be his baby!!!"

Sharon truthfully explained sadly.

"Is this, the honest truth you telling me or is this some cacamenia story you explaining to me, because you're in front of the doctor and you feel ashamed to tell the full argument of the story?"

Pastor Matalan asked furiously.

"This is the honest truth, Patrick, and you can asked him in front of me and also behind me; and he will tell you the same thing just like how I have told it to you right now!"

"And just like me, he too is worried and sorry about this situation of causing you shame and embarrassment! Because he wholeheartedly didn't want to hurt you; Sir, my darling!"

Sharon went on tearfully explaining.

Pastor Matalan was now staring into the doctor's eyes, as if, he wanted him to reaffirm that her story was true; but, there was no way he could honestly tell if she was lying or if she was telling him the truth! Because, he certainly wasn't there when the preacher man was hosing down her garden and spraying on her vegetable!

However, the doctor believed her story and began enquiring about what they both wanted to do next about the unborn baby attached her belly!

"Do you both want to terminate the pregnancy or is the wedding going to be off?"

The doctor sternly asked.

Sharon, and Patrick Matalan began looking at each other trying to decide on their answer, but Sharon knew exactly what she wanted. Since her husband-to-be had already snip-snip-snip away his genital organs; having done a vasectomy!

Having her intentions already in mind, Sharon spoke first this time, and stated...

"Doctor, to me all life form is a blessing, and furthermore, I practice Christianity! So I really don't know about him when it comes to this decision, but one thing I do know, I'm having my baby!"

Pastor Matalan was still seated there in dead silence, undecided about the moral and spiritual choice he must now make!

He was adding up his predicaments, trying to decipher and analyze what was best for him, his spirit-man and his large congregation and also their beliefs!

Especially, since he calmed that God had told him to get rid of his first wife; because her presences in the church wasn't pushing the congregation forward and she was a bit unholy! And he should propose to the former sex-worker and have her be his wife instead!

Furthermore, he knew he was incapable of giving his fianc閑 any children! And the complications in having the vasectomy procedure reversed could proof dangerous to him!

Especially, now that he was going over the hill - ageing!

This surgery could even be fatal for him, it was just too risky!

Probing into his position and scrutinizing his circumstance, Pastor Matalan looked over at Sharon and then calmly said to her.

"You know what Babes, I really don't feel good about how this whole situation has played out but, I prefer to know that Reverent Ron is the man who knock you up than any of these other worthless male roaming around town and kneeling marijuana in their hand middles!"

"Or, even any of these fools sitting in the church without any jobs and claiming that they want a wife to marry knowing damn well that they don't even have a place to lay their heads at nights!"

"But my child is going to need a father and as you know Reverent Ron is already a married man! And I'm not quite sure if he or his family is going to want shouldering the responsibility of an illegitimate baby!"

Sharon spoke freely, letting off the concerns she had on her chest!

"But, did I tell you, I have changed my mind about marrying you?"

"If God told me that you are the right wife for me; why should I get rid of you because some other man impregnated you? That would be foolish; that wouldn't be me, sincerely loving you or that wouldn't be wise!"

Pastor Matalan spoke happily.

"Looking into the whole matter, he probably have saved my life and also you from being a widow at an early age! Because after the wedding, you would be wanting babies which would be having me going to reverse my vasectomy, and we never can tell what would be the outcome of that surgery!"

The intended husband spoke.

"So, there you have it; God's knows you still have husband, baby and a roof over your head!"

Pastor Matalan revealed, while healing his own conscience.

Both Sharon and the doctor who was sitting behind the desk were surprise to hear the words leaving Pastor Matalan's mouth as his spiritual wisdom unfolded right in front of them both!

Since they have now come to a peaceful resolution about this problem, the clergy man thanked the doctor for his patience and for allowing him to gracefully vent out his conscience and at the same time, solving his own dilemma!

Everything, now out into the open, Pastor Matalan stood up on his feet and shook the doctor's hand while declaring to him that they were now ready to leave his office and head on back home. He and his fianc閑 were now tightly locked around the waist as they exited through the doors of the doctor's office after paying him their medical fees!

On their way home from the doctor's office, Pastor Matalan expressed to his wife-to-be that there will not be a church service this Sunday at the church. And when she asked him, why? He surprisingly told her that it was going to be the tying ceremony of their nuptials, instead!

Astonished to hear the pleasant news, Sharon became dumbfounded and she just couldn't speak!

She now had her hands covering her mouth as she began sobbingly weeping while her rock embraced her with both arms right on the streets for all to see! Proclaiming to her and the world that no matter what, he would never leave her, not even for a fancy footed and sweet talking, Yankee Pastor!

However, he went on to let her know; if she should ever allow Reverent Ron to touch her sexually, again, he will be on the next plane, quickly flying back to the ice-land!

Pastor Matalan began contemplating about what he should do about Reverent Ron, if he should throw him out of his house or allow him to stay there just as they had originally planned for him to do until his building project was completed.

And for hours, Pastor Matalan baffle with his thoughts about evicting the preacher man from his house; but his soon to be wife fell on her knees like a withered flower petal, begging him to let the Preacher Man stay there, because the sexual act that had been committed between them was just simple a mistake and wasn't really meant to hurt him or caused him any harm.

Furthermore, this accident has left them with the joy of experiencing parenthood together as one couple, plus, saving him from reversing his vasectomy!

In addition to that, Sharon was thinking about the initial words spoken to her by the preacher man pertaining to visiting America and expanding her ministry as a pastor!

Sincerely, she believed that through him such opportunities would become reality and their vision for the ministry being recognized internationally! And would also open more doors to help their congregation and their community flourish tremendously!

Pastor Matalan was now dumbfounded and suddenly realize the words that God had spoken to him; that he should get rid of his wife and marry to Sharon, the former sex-worker instead were actually right and setting him up for great future opportunities!

It took a time for him to put himself together and comprehend her style of reasoning; that she really had some unspoken wisdom inside her and very futuristic way of thinking!

Few hours later, Pastor Matalan was on the phone reaching out to one of his superiors, asking him to be at his church early Sunday morning to conduct his wedding ceremony!

This is not the way how he had wanted it to be done, but since his wife to be was knocked up with another man's baby; he wanted to hurry up and marry her before her belly began showing and the congregation started spreading rumors and asking inquisitive questions!

Reassuringly, Bishop Garry Gibson promised him that he would be at his church bright and early Sunday morning to conduct the wedding, even though, he wasn't aware of the belly his wife-to-be was carrying for another man! Or else, it would be a completely different story!

Because, he was one of those ancient days' types of preachers who didn't endorse sex before marriage behaviors! Oftentimes complaining that children born from such a manner were of the devil and would eventually turn out to be a huge problem to society!

Therefore, they should be terminated before they were even hatched! Yet still, he would be on the pulpit declaring that he was against the act of women aborting babies!

Later that night, Reverent Ron returned to Pastor Matalan residence to find him and Sharon seated in the kitchen fixing dinner and happily reasoning together!

Hurting and ashamed, he announced good evening to them with sadness written all over his face, expecting that there would be trouble in the house tonight because of him!

Seeing his friend looking so troubled and depressed, Pastor Matalan was the first to enquire from him what the matter was. But, Reverent Ron wouldn't budge to open his mouth about the loathsome burden he was carrying inside of him!

He just stood there staring, with agony, and gloom and doom written all over his face!

He felt like a baby pigeon amongst a flock of flamingos!

So very insignificant!

Just because he was deeply remorseful for impregnating his best friend wife, furthermore, he didn't want to destroy the trust, the loyalty amongst them and the relationship they shared together.

He also wanted to fess-up... tell his friend he was responsible for getting his fianc閑 pregnant and was now willing to take responsible for the child if he would allow him!

But, Pastor Matalan invited him to sit down and join them at the kitchen table while he poured him a glass of wine to celebrate the occasion!

And without an ounce of animosity in his voice, Pastor Matalan broke out the exciting news to him...

"Sharon and I are getting married this Sunday, and guess what? We are also having a baby!"

Fumbling for words Reverent Ron asked...

"But didn't you say, you had a vasectomy?"

"Yes I did!"

"But the doctor said she is now pregnant, and regardless of who had gotten her pregnant, she is going to be my wife soon; and once she is my wife, the child she carries will automatically be mine!"

Pastor Matalan said boastfully.

Feeling guilty and as if, they were conspiring against him Reverent Ron began confessing!

"Listen to me Pastor Matalan, ever since I came to this island, you have being nothing but a good friend to me, and what happened between me a Sharon, I didn't meant for it to happen! I honestly thought I was at home in my own bedroom with my own wife... I am very sorry to have put you in this predicament!"

Reverent Ron tearfully apologized while holding his right hand to his chest showing his sincerity.

"My friend, you don't have to apologize to me for anything! A matter of fact, you did me a wonderful favor by getting my wife to be; pregnant! And I must be thankful for that!"

The words favor and pregnant were stuck in Reverent Ron's head like a nail being forcefully driven by a hammer to his brain!

Causing him to fall from the chair he was seated on and unto the kitchen floor gasping for air!

He was in complete disbelief, he couldn't believe what he just heard; he was expecting for the man to be angry and throw him out of his house or out in the streets!

Or, even given him a fine ass whopping like what would have happen to him if this was in the States!

Pastor Matalan now hasted to his side aiding him from off the floor while sincerely expressing the words;

"My friend, it's okay... get yourself from off the floor and let's celebrate this joyous occasion of my marriage and my wife giving birth to my baby in the near future!"

All of a sudden, cold-sweat began washing over Reverent Ron's body while he slowly made his way from off the kitchen floor, nervously shaking and being supported by the hands of Pastor Matalan!

"Come on Reverent Ron, eat up and drink up... you never know, you might be the one chosen to be my baby god-daddy!"

Pastor Matalan encouraged joyfully.

Weak in the knees and dizzy in the head became Reverent Ron's disposition, and now he was wondering if he was experiencing reality or he was being delusional and still smoking dope in a crack house, instead!

He began wondering if they were playing mental games with him or if this is actuality because he had never experienced such resolution to this kind of controversy and family problems!

But, Sharon nodding her head to him, encouraging him to eat the local dish of oxtail and rice and peas, which she had prepared for the three of them to eat for dinner!

Slowly, Reverent Ron began feeding himself one spoonful at a time, until, he had regained confidence in his mind and realize that no one there was trying to get him - causing him any dreadful or vindictive harm!

However, Reverent Ron's heart was filled with embarrassment and shame, and at the dinner table, he announced that he was returning home to his country and would like for Nikki to oversee his property until he return again to the island!

"Well, my buddy, I sure enough is gonna miss you when you are gone, but I'll be right here for you whenever you return to the island; because now we are all family!"

Pastor Matalan proclaimed laughingly.

Right after dinner, the house guest thanked Sharon and Pastor Matalan for the lovely dinner he shared with them, and also, for being so merciful and so forgiving towards him for this fornicating situation they were caught up in!

But again, Pastor Matalan assured him not to worry about it; and all is truly forgiven and forgotten because he was much like his brother!

With that gesture of politeness and generosity, Reverent Ron went for the shower and then straight to his bedroom where he laid on the floor prostrating before the Lord. Praying to receive forgiveness for his fornicating and adulterous behavior with another man's woman!

For hours, he repeated the Our Father's Prayers; begging that he be not led into anymore temptation again and he be delivered from all evil!

And when he was done with the Our Father Prayers, he then went on to the Psalm of David; declaring repeatedly, that he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever if God would just have mercy on him and forgive him of this so called; terrible sin he had committed with the former sex worker!

When he finally decided to be done with his beseeching and praying, it was almost morning; time to get out of bed and head on out to the property to oversee the finishing work on the building! If what was being done was done right and to his heart's desire.

Feeling wonderful about the new house and guilty about impregnating another man's woman, Reverent Ron decided to fly home that same weekend. Hoping that such would help him heal... shake-off some of the embarrassment and self-reproach he had buried deep down inside of his soul!

So he reached out to his dear friend and spiritual daughter, Nikki, asking her to take care of the newly built house for him while he went back to America. He was even encouraged her to plant some flowers in the garden, if she wanted to, and he will compensate her upon his return to the island.

Because, he wanted the property to look beautiful and alive upon his return, especially, since he intend in bringing a host of other people with him the next time he was coming to visit the island.

Which, Nikki gladly agreed that she would do for him!

And after everyone was gathered at the Mount Olive Pentecostal Church Sunday morning, witnessing the spontaneous matrimonial exchange of Sharon Stone and Patrick Matalan's wedding, Reverent Ron called Henry and summoned him to come by where he was staying and prepare himself to drive him to the airport, right away! Even though, his flight wasn't until way into the evening; around seven o'clock in the night hours!

Several times during the morning hours, Reverent Ron tried getting the newlyweds attention, wanting to tell them about his flight back to America. But, they were too busy receiving congratulations and shaking hands with the dumbfounded congregation who came to church to get a word from the lord; but was surprise to be greeted with a wedding ceremony instead!

However, time came when he had finally gotten Pastor Matalan and his wife's attention from all those issuing out congratulations and well-wishing prayers to them! And so he gladly took that moment to bless them; giving them all the cash he had left in his pocket as his wedding gift to them!

With a sad face and guilty eyes, he shared with them that he was now leaving the island... catching the seven o'clock flight back to Huston Texas; his ice-cold home land!

Nikki being his spiritual daughter, friend and somewhat a confidant, Reverent Ron also left with her a reasonable amount of money for finishing her schooling and whatever else that her heart had desired to do with that money!

It was almost five months since Reverent Ron had walked through the church doors claiming that he was going away to remove a cancerous tumor from his chest area; and would be recuperating in some unnamed medical facility! Strangely, where the church members couldn't reach him, even though, most of them wanted to be there for him, help him recover and give him their love, prayers and support!

And upon returning to America, Reverent Ron first stop after leaving the airport was at his home, anxiously wanting to see his wife and children who were now; not sure how to receive him!

This was the longest missionary trip he had ever taken away from them. And they often wondered, if he was ever coming back home to be with them ever again or what would he look like upon his return?

But, he was back home now and every single thing there was changed, even the colors on the walls of his bedroom where he had proudly spent moments pleasuring his wife were of a different color! The elegant Christian home that he left was now more like a fish market; containing furniture that he didn't even recognized and the walls of the house painted with hideous colors like they were in some evil cult or were actual devil worshipers!

Even, his children; from the eldest to the youngest were speaking slangs that he didn't quite understand! Also throwing words and pointing fingers, like they were big time gang-leaders or initiators for mobsters in some underground criminal society!

His house was like that dry place that the bible speaks about where the demons come home to roost after back-sliding and un-repenting of sin becomes the saint's portion! And no amount of prayers and candle burning, could ever bind these demons entry or let them loose from his surroundings!

Bitter and frustrated about what he had come home to perceive, Reverent Ron packed up some of his belongings and went to Heavenly Waters Church to rest his weary head! Seriously fearing that the demons operating through his wife and children might attack him while he was sleeping, strangling him to death!

At the church, he was greeted by many congregants who were hoping and wishing for his quick return! And for hours, he sat there chatting with them about his fictitious surgery and how he was now feeling much better from his condition, until, he was tired of sharing his fabricate stories and was ready to go to bed!

There at the church altar, Reverent Ron made himself a makeshift bed and went to sleep alongside the vagrants seeking shelter in the sanctuary of the church.

And when the morning sun had shown itself strong and mighty in the nine o'clock hours or so, one of the homeless congregant shouted!

"Reverent Ron, morning has broken and it's time to get-up now!"

But, Reverent Ron just laid there un-responsive and soon they realized that his evening had come and that his motionless body was stiff, cold and dead for hours!

The End