Chapter 1: A Vengeance of the Soul

There was a bomb in the air! And no innocent untrained mind, inexperience soul or any fragile being who had recently entered this planet called earth would have known it! Unless they had it explained to them or over heard it by some peer group or adults who had been around for a long time and had experience or heard about such actions! And even some who might or might not have participated in such cruel deeds! But there were those who were involved in such criminal! Shameful! Demeaning! Degrading! Soul debilitating! Soul ripping activities! It was their past-time! Their recreation! And there pleasure to participate in these hush-hush! Barbaric, soul mutilation events! Without no concerns about another human being!

And so Pinky and Leonie met at school! They had seen each other at the primary level institution but had not spoken much; because they were in separate classes. However, at the secondary level they were both place into the same class and had the same teachers Pinky was very surprise when she had learnt the Leonie was going to be in her class! Because she had not taken the Caribbean examination but her parents couldn't afford to! However, Leonie did and had failed! Causing Pinky to think she wasn't doing bad in school after all because she was place with children who were taking private lessons at the primary and had sit the Caribbean examination so they could go to higher institute of learning.

And so a friendship was formed! They were peers, they were beautiful, they were brilliant but too brilliant to recognize deceptive danger; but financially they were in two different classes! One was living at the foot of the hill where the most wealthy had resides; while the other was living in the slum! In the gully! Their communities weren't that far apart in distance but economically it was! Nevertheless, a friendship was forged! Now it was a clique of six girls who had become inseparable at school! They sat close to each other in class, they had lunch together and they also took some of the same vocational and re-creative classes together; such as music and drama! Some had even joined the same valley ball team at school! And to make their bond even stronger, some were placed in the same sorority houses at school! These sorority houses were unique because they included boys also. They held meetings frequently! There were a total of five sorority houses in the entire school and each house was represented by a different color!

Pinky, Leonie, Apple and Theresa was placed in the same house - the green house; causing their friendship to be even closer than the other two girls! They were tight! They were now dressing alike, sharing the same point of views and definitely spending more time together! Because the four had to meet for sorority meetings two times a week and whenever there was going to be any form of event; the meeting time would increase to three or four times of the week after school was over. Causing them to even travel home from school together sometimes! And as the school years went by the young girls became closer and closers!

Pinky was around fourteen at the time when Leonie had invited her by her home! She had already met most of the family members already at school events and periodically in the town square where the numerous school children from various schools would often congregate! Some would be waiting for another transportation to complete their journey home while some were just there to meet with friends and catch up on gossips because their friendship had been broken because they were transferred to another school for either passing or failing their end of term examinations. However, there were still more of Leonie's family members who Pinky had never met before!

And so one Saturday evening Pinky honored the invitation! When she had arrived at her friends' house! They seemed to be having a get together or some form of party! She was surprise to see so much people there! Because she had only envisioned the both of them going through school work, discussing new ideas for their sorority and chit-chat over everyday teenagers stuff! Most of the persons there seemed to be adults causing Pinky to have some sense of discomfort! If her friend had told her there were going to be a crowd, she would have been more prepared or rejected the invitation for that day!

Pinky was invited inside the house by her friend after they had greeted each other at the gate. She was then ushered straight to kitchen where Leonie's parents were and introduce them to her friend. And they greeted her kindly! She was then offered something to eat and drink! Which she accepted gladly!

Coming from her side of the track, there was no way Pinky could have rejected such fine looking food! She knew her parents had never mentioned any of these kinds of foods before, much-less to have bought them! All she knew about was rice, flour, sugar and chicken back! And occasionally on some holidays her parents would buy a piece of beef in the market which was meagerly shared among ten children and two adults! Some of the older children would only see a string of the beef and a whole lot of the gravy! All that food she had seen was like a kings' feast! And so she ate all that was offered to her and whatever her stomach could contain!

While Pinky and Leonie were in Leonie's bed-room someone came knocking on the door! Leonie sprang to her feet and went to answer the door! When she opened the door! A tall dark very handsome man was standing at the door! He was very good looking! Although the whole family was! He was exceptionally good looking! However, he had a huge burn scar on the right side of his face! Revealing he was either in a very bad accident or some evil soul had caught his face on fire or they had thrown acid on him, leaving that side of his face disfigured! He seemed to have wanted nothing but to greet one of his baby sisters! Because he had only knocked on the door to ask what she was doing and why she was locked-up in her bed - room by her-self!

Leonie expressed to him that she wasn't alone! But she was with one of her friends from school! And so the introduction took place!

"Brother Derrick this is my friend from school, her name is Pinky!" Leonie said.

And so brother Derrick step into his sisters' bed-room and said hello to Pinky!

"Hello Pinky! How are you doing! It is so nice to meet you!" As he gentle rubbed the centre of her hand middle!

Pinky was completely unaware of what such gesture meant! She had thought he was only tickling her like her grand-mother always usually do; tickled her underneath the arm pit and both sides of her body! Causing her to laugh sometimes until she had wet herself! But she had suddenly become infatuated with his good looks! In addition to that, he had a golden crown on one of his tooth which had accentuated his smile; causing him to look even more attractive! And he never stopped smiling with Pinky until Leonie had closed her bed room door in front of him!

"I can't believe you have a brother that big!" Pinky exclaimed.

"Is he living here with you guys? I have never heard you talk about him before or have even seen him around town before!" Pinky enquired.

"Yes he lives here but he goes away abroad sometimes to work!" Leonie answered.

"I see! He is very good looking though!" Pinky commented.

Although Pinky had very limited exposure to the outside world; in her eyes she had never seen anyone so good looking! Anyway, the both girls continued their time reminiscing about school, about their friends, about their teachers and about their sorority! Until Pinky was ready to leave and return to her home!

By now it was getting dark! A little after six o'clock! And Pinky knew it was forbidden by her parents to come home when it was dark! The rule was; don't let the street lights come on and you are not in the house! That was the warning often times given out by her parents

And so Pinky hurry back through the kitchen with her friend Leonie by her side; to tell her parents good bye and whatever siblings she had been accustom to talking with in the square or wherever else!

The McDonalds' said good bye to their daughter's friend Pinky! They told her to please come back again and visit them! And how much they were happy to have met her! Leonie had planned on walking her friend Pinky pathway- to the end of the avenue and then turn back! And so as they exited the front gate Derrick came through the gate right behind them! They were clueless where he had come from! And he decided to accompany his sister and her girl friend to the end of the avenue! While they were walking Derrick started making small talk, distracting the girls completely from what they had been discussing! However, the girls had now reached the end of the avenue and so they said their good-byes! But Derrick insisted on following Pinky across the street and to the then entrance of her lane! She flatly refused his offered and told him it was fine for her to walk the rest of the way alone! But he was very persistent! And walk Pinky to the entrance of her lane! Although she was very persistent that he didn't have to!

Pinky knew once a rumor had gotten started in her community it would last for eternity! And everyone would put their own take or two cents on the situation; often times making it more than what it really was! And Pinky was very afraid of such! She didn't want her name to be broad-casting all over town that she was seen with this man and they were together! Furthermore, her parents were very adamant about her not having a boyfriend! Because if such was the case, they didn't want her to get pregnant and bring any babies into the house-hold! Such was forbidden! Not to mention! Her eldest sister had executed such already! And it was causing great financial strain on the family! Not to mention that the living accommodation was already severely cram! Almost all the children were sleeping on floors! And who weren't! Were sleeping on some make-shift bed which was made from sticks and some old clothes - some old brook or hand-me-down! Which Pinky's mother had gotten from the Catholic Church!

"I don't want any god damn baby in here! So wherever you catch you belly! Go back where you come from with it!" Were the words often spoken by Pinky's mother, Ms. Esmy.

Although the younger girls in Pinky's family had seen the struggles their oldest sister was going through with her first child and her baby daddy never having enough to provide for her and the child! Their mothers' profound statement would make them think twice about getting involved with anyone of the opposite sex! It was a statement that would penetrate and resonate the depths of their beings; causing them to generate a tremendous amount of fear! Even though she wasn't providing them with birth control pills or was giving them any sorts of sexual education counseling.

And to add fear to danger! Pinky wasn't one of the quickest persons intellectually! But she was very creative! Her brain somehow was a bit slow in grasping information! Whether it was from poor nutrition or genetically! Only God knows! And also were some of her other siblings!

Two or three other weekend had passed and Pinky had not gone back to visit her girl friend Leonie. They had seen each other at school and their friendship had even grown much stronger! And this time Leonie had invited Pinky to spend a weekend or so with them! Pinky was very impressed and surprised that her family would have wanted her over for a whole weekend! But Pinky knew her mother probable wouldn't allow it! And so she told Leonie she would come in the day time and spend some time with her; after she had finished with her chores and then return home in the evenings!

And so Pinky tried to hurry-up her chores every day in order to go and spend some time with her girl friend Leonie! It was almost the beginning of summer so there was very little school work to do! And on the final day of the weekend visit the clock started clicking! A bomb was about to be exploded!

Derrick arrived at the house! No one was aware where he was coming from! And so his eyes met Pinky's! And he smiled at her and whispered in her ears how much he loved her, how he thought she was beautiful and how he wanted her! No one had never, complimented her like that before! And so his comment resonated with her for days! She was actually shaking when he had stated such to her! It was proclivities she couldn't understand! And one she wasn't ready for at all!

He was so handsome and always dressed well! Pinky couldn't believe for a second he was ever interesting in her! To be with someone like that would be like being with the gods of the earth! She was trembling! She was fascinated that someone like him wanted to be with someone like her! For what! She was from the poorest of the poor! She mostly wore rags! She had nothing! She was very afraid of his comments! And what had made her even more afraid! Was the profound and compelling voice of her mother saying; she didn't want any damn babies in her house!

Nevertheless, Derrick brought her to the side of his house to tell her how much he wanted to be with her and how much, she should give him a chance! And how much he would take good care of her! But Pinky gladly refused his request! His proposal! She wasn't ready for such actions to be taken in her life! Whether for experiment or for love! But he never gave up! He kept on insisting that she should be with him! And how he wouldn't get her pregnant and if it even happened he would stand by her and take care of the child!

Pinky related all that Derrick had said to her to her friend Leonie, his sister! Adding more fuel to the fire! Because as they say; fire is thicker than water! And it was too late for Pinky when she had realized that the invitations weren't really genuine! It was Leonie's word to Pinky; that her brother really liked her and she must give him a chance! Pinky was shock when she had heard Leonie uttered such words! She then concluded that she might have been seeing someone, if she was encouraging her to be with her brother! And so Leonie confessed to Pinky that yes, she was going out with some! Someone much older! It was utterly unbelievable for Pinky when she had consumed such revelation! And when she had told her who it was! Made her almost drop to the floor! Because Leonie was this tiny little being! No more than a hundred pounds! If that much! Although anyone could see she was well cared for! And her suitor was two and a half-times her amount of weight, if not more! And so was his height! She was around three-six the most! And he was like seven feet all! It was shocking news for Pinky's hearing!

And now there were threatening words coming from Derrick along with a warning! He probable had felt that Pinky should jump to his proposals! Because his sister was being bed by an older man; so he could have easily thought she was doing the same thing! And he gave his sister a message to give Pinky that she was playing hard to get and he will get her one way or the other! And when he does! Everyone will know!

But poor innocent and naive Pinky had no clue what she was up against! She thought this handsome attractive man with the scar on the right side of his face wanted to just have sex with her and probable it would continue for a long time like her friends own! And probable he would take care of her! But little did she know that there was a bomb waiting to be exploded! To crush her soul! To destroy her very core! The clock was ticking!

It was one Sunday evening when Pinky went to spend the evening with her friend and her brother Derrick was there! He was nicely dressed and his cologne permeated the whole atmosphere! He was looking dashing as usual! He had not given up on his conquest! He might had never been rejected before and thought this young girl from the slum had had him working overtime for what he was accustom to getting as the quick of his fingers! She might have appeared to have bruised his ego! Although it wasn't intentional! And he was out for revenge! And he had the exact plan he wanted to orchestrate for his course of action! He just needed to convince Pinky some more to get her to lay with him! And on that Sunday evening he found the words to convince her to lay with him and so she did! He was just too good-looking and charming, she somehow couldn't resist!

And so he took her to his car that was parked in the back of the yard and romanced her until he had gotten her to take her panties off! And he then forced his massive manhood inside of her very viciously! Covering her mouth so as not to make her scream any louder! He was thrusting himself into her as if he was angry with her! He then placed his large hands around her tiny fragile neck squeezing it ever so tightly! Almost cutting off her air supply as she grasp for air! And at the same time whispering in her ear!

"Don't you ever tell anyone or else I'll kill you! You hare me!"

He had only released his grip from her throat when he saw her eyes falling back-words in her head! And so she shook her head to agree that she wouldn't tell anyone!

He then demanded that she lay in the car until he got back! Because he was going to get some rubbers because he didn't want to get her pregnant! But he didn't show up back to finish his sexual escapade! But it was another man! And then another! And then another! And then another! And so they kept on going and coming! It was a total of fourteen men that ganged rape Pinky and had their way with her! And when she had realized what was been done to her and tried to remove herself from the situation another male who had come for his turn would push her back down on the car seat! While yelling out profanity under their breaths of how she should lay back and take them! Some of them man-hood bigger than the other! Until she was totally weak! Torn! And bruised! It was the last man with the largest manhood! Who had ripped the circumference of her vagina! Causing her to scream from the pain she was feeling! And who had also told her he would take her home! And that she shouldn't utter a word to a single soul! Or else they will come back and kill her! And also her entire family! And she nodded her head in agreement to their demands!

Urine was dribbling out of her all the way to her home! And incontinence had now become an issue for her! She was peeing every second of the day! Even after school had reopened her state of incontinence was still pending! And she had to constantly ware some cloth in her under-pant to prevent her outer garment from getting urinated on! Because she was unable to afford any sanitary napkin!

It was now all over town that Pinky had been gang raped! And most of her friends at school who had heard; had now stopped associating with her! And there were whispers and ridiculed everywhere she went about her being gang rape! Producing a state of shame! Embarrassment! Hurt! And aloneness! Even some of her family members had heard and use this criminal attack on her as a curse! Making her feel more and more uncomfortable amongst them! She had become a total laughing stock around town! And what had made it worst, she didn't have parents she could talk with! She could go and explained what had happened to her! She was isolated with her shame and her violation! Because it was within the culture to blame the female for crimes like these! She had some-how call this upon herself! She was careless! She was looking for a man so she got a man and she got what she was looking for! And in her case it wasn't men! She had several hooligans humping her at once!

Several weeks had past and Pinky was by the park with none of her younger sisters and no other culprit showed up but Derrick! She was timid when she had seen him and tried to hide her face with shame! She was afraid of what he was up to this time! But he saw her and walked over to where she and her sister were sitting! It was as if he had some form of radar following her! Pinky was very afraid of what he might say to her before her smaller sister; because she didn't want the news to reach her parents! Furthermore, she didn't know if what he had done to her he would perform the same act on her smaller sister! She knew if her parents had known she would have gotten a fine ass-whooping! And probable be thrown out of their house for good! And so he asked Pinky to come to him and she refused shyly! Fearing he might say something to disgrace her or even hit her severely! He then walked over to where she was sitting and pulled her by the hair and then dragged her by the sea side and raped her again! Saying all along!

"I own you now! So whenever you see me you better come to me and don't act like you don't see me either!"

While he was on top of her Pinky was dead scared! She thought what had happened to her a few weeks aback was going to happen to her again! But thankfully it didn't! And when he had finished having his way with her he told her sternly!

"If you breed don't call my name or else I will find you and kick that baby out of you! You hear me!"

Pinky was now in so much fear she could think straight! Her grades had now dropped s tremendously! She was now a nervous wreck! Plus her younger sister was telling other siblings in the house-hold that a man had taken Pinky by the seaside and had had sex with her because they were by the sea side for a while!

Leonie and Pinky remain friends but Pinky had never visited Leonie's house again and she had never invited her there again either! And Pinky was the one who Leonie confided about her relationship with the older man she was seeing! All the various places she had went with him and all the things they had done together! But she never ever mentioned to Pinky what her brother had done to her and Pinky didn't say a word to her either! Or even mentioned that she had heard the rumors!

Years had passed by and Leonie had gotten pregnant before her secondary school graduation! And so the man she was seeing was in a car accident and died leaving her to take care of the child by herself! And not long after that four of the other men who had part-take in the gang rape of Pinky were dead! No one knew what had killed them! And two others went abroad to live! Because it was rumored that Pinky was the one killing them with some form of witch-craft!

And Pinky had now become a man hater! She hated all men with a passion! She would never date, or go out with anyone even if they ask her to! Fearing that the same thing was going to happen to her again! She never had gotten married neither or had she any children! And although she had become successfully educationally and financially! She had never gotten over seeing a man as a descent creatures; she only saw them as dogs! She saw them the way she saw Derrick the man who had orchestrated her gang rape!

Although the statute of limitation ran for a life time Pinky had never brought the matter to the court! Not that she was ignorant of the fact! But she still fears that the action of appraisal could be taken against her and her relatives! And although some of these men are all up in age; some will look at her with a look of intimidation while some turn their heads in the opposite direction whenever they sees her! And others dangle weapons whenever they pass by her parents' house while giving her a threatening look! Confirming the dogs, coward, and degenerate hooligan that they are!