Chapter 7: The Park

I had just gotten out of bed, removed the curtains and had opened the windows to my apartment. The morning was absolutely beautiful! There were no threatening clouds in the sky! The sky was all blue! The sun was warm and magical! So I told myself I had to go for a walk! A drive! Or just do something to celebrate this moment! Or just do something productive, period! There was no way I could stay inside the house and do nothing! I just had to go outside and enjoy this wonderful god given day!

For a moment! I thought to myself!

"What shall I ware? Where should I go?"

There were many options to choose from, but I still needed to choose the right one! The museum was too much of an indoor atmosphere for me to go to! The shopping mall had roofing and that would take away from the warmth of sun light and the wonderful breeze that had been permeated the air! Visiting my old neighborhood and seeing some of my old neighbors would be a wonderful option, I thought!

They had back porches! Front porches! And also beautiful lawns! We could just lay on the porches or lawns and have lemon aids and update each others on the happenings in our lives while we enjoy the sunny day at the same time! After all days like this rarely comes by here in Arlington!

Usually, Arlington is pouring with rain! Or dark clouds would just over set the skies allowing one to believe that it was going to rain! And that would off-set any plans one might have had!

After showering! I had gotten dressed into something that had made me felt as beautiful as the day was! I wore my floral blouse and a blue slacks which complimented some of the colors in my blouse! I decided to also carry along my blue jeans purse! Pure coordination! My attire was perfect just like how the day was perfect! My make-up was beautiful on me, I thought! And so, I felt like a million bucks! I then hopped into my car and I was on my way to see my old neighbors and friends whom I had not seen for quite some time now!

I really couldn't have gotten over how beautiful the day was! As I drove along the avenue heading to St. Georges Park! Everyone seemed to be outside! And so I thought to myself, "Only a fool or someone who was unable to move around would not have taken advantage of this glorious day!

The blossoms was peaking their tiny heads up! As the warmth of the sun shone upon them! There were bits of pinks, purples, yellows and an array of other various colors bursting their tiny heads to greet the sun everywhere!!!!

At St. Georges Park, were young couples romantically holding hands as they walk and admired the various colorful blooms! There were young mothers and nannies pushing strollers with their young! And some with tiny toddlers who were running around the park as they were coming into realization of the co-ordination of their bodies! Even some elderly, were also there! Some was with their care givers while some were by themselves! And some! As decrepit as they were! They were there in their wheel chairs; some with walkers and others with canes! Some of the caregivers held their patients by the upper while some of the patient held on tightly to their caregivers' arms! As they slowly walked with them around the park!

There were numerous vendors in the park selling all sorts of treats! But mostly snacks that were icy-cold; such as ice cream, icicle and icy-pops! And other such delights!

The park looked and felt like a Caribbean festival in the happening without the loud music! Every single place one looked in St. Georges Park seemed to be a sea of spring colors!

And so I pulled over to shoulder of the road and got out of my car to get indulge into a treat! And to also feel the warmth of the sun on my skin! And to embark in the fresh air that I had always long for! But most of all to mingle with the vibrant crowd little; who seemed to be having a great time! I needed to feel the joyous day of both god and man!

I suddenly could hear the siren of the fire truck coming in a distance! It was ringing so loudly as if it was close by! I however bought myself a mango flavored icy- sherbet and an icy water melon, the ones in the cups! I then was returning to my car to entreat myself and turn up my car radio! So as to add to the festivities!

The ringing of the siren became louder and louder! The crowd was looking to see if there was any smoke ascending in the air or being toss to and fro from the wind that was blowing! But no one saw anything! All the workers from the emporium across the street came out to see what was going on! Their uniforms were clearly visible from across the park as they stood in front of the store! It was evident that either black or white smoke was ascending in the sky! Now the fire truck had gotten much louder as if it was almost on the park grounds! And then within a few seconds; I turned around! And there it was mowing down anyone and everything that was in its part!

The screams were tremendous! And unbearable to hear! The sight was horrifying! It was pure mayhem at St. Georges Park! The park with all its beautiful spring colors had now become a sea of blood! Body parts were thrown everywhere! The fatalities seemed countless! Not to mentioned the wounded! They were gut wrenching screams coming from every direction! Scream from all the pain they were feeling from their injuries! And also the emotional pain from the losses they presumed they might have had! The after-shocks were so overwhelming! One could see the on-lookers covering their mouths with their hands reacting to what they had just witnessed! And some, their eyes were just popping out of their sockets! They were staring wide eye open as if they had just seen a ghost! A strange phenomenon! Some had their hands on their heads as they yelled and groaned in sorrow for their losses!!!!! It was pure weeping!!!!!

And for those who had survived this catastrophe with all their faculties intact! Had later learnt that the driver of the fire truck had suffered from a massive heart attack!

The horrific incident had now hit the air ways! It was on the television! It was also been broad cast over the radio; that the fire truck was on its way to have the tanks filled with water as they often do! But majority of the crew of fire fighters that were on the truck that day were mainly trainees! So they were unable to maneuver the truck properly when their superior suddenly fell ill! So the driver lost control of the vehicle! Costing him his life! And the countless lives of many others!

The hospital emergency unit was one of those first on the scene to assist with the wounded! And numerous fellow fire fighters had come out to assist also! There was also a vast amount of police officers who had come to assist with this dreadful catastrophe! They were trying to get names of the missing! Some were putting bodies into body bags! Others were carrying the wounded on ambulance stretchers! Some of the medical professionals were string up some of the wounded with intravenous drugs! There was countless numbers of activities that were set in place to aid the wounded and the traumatized! All who had witnessed this tragic and horrific accident mourned with great grief! And so St. Georges Park had become a memorial spot in the community of Arlington! Every single year after that dreadful incident a memorial service was held for all those who had lost their lives on that beautiful spring day! And so things and life in Arlington would never be the same again!