I look over at Samuel, beaming with delight, and my heart warms. My eyes dart to Laila sitting next to him, the look of devastation no longer shadowing her features. She's leaning close to her brother, face lit up with a smile, no doubt influenced by his enthusiasm. I just hope it's not one-sided.
"Laila," I call out to her, "how are you feeling about all this?"
She looks up at me, expression clearing as if not wanting her eagerness to show. "I'm fine, I think," she admits, pulling her eyes away from mine, "If Samuel wants to go, then so do I. We have to stay together."
"Yes!" Zack cuts in, elated. "In fact, you should think of this as a type of boarding school." His eyes go wide. "Like you're at Hogwarts."
Nice spin.
I glance over to Dominic, torn. I don't know if I should be relieved that our children are suddenly okay with leaving us or sad that they actually want to. His eyes meet mine and narrow, thinking about something as he strokes the scruff on his chin.