
Chapter 42

** Brad **

Candice is still a little out of it or in shock, I'm not sure which, when we get to her place. We climb the stairs to her apartment in total silence. I don't even ask if I can come in because she doesn't have a choice, I'm staying with her. God knows what she might do if I leave. What if she goes back to that crazy house? What if she tries to kill herself again? The thought makes me almost nauseated.

I keep a close eye on her as she blindly walks over to the answering machine, like it's always the first thing she does, and hits the flashing red button. She bristles at the sound of the voice.

"Candice? This is Mrs. Stephens, the counselor at Parkview High. Um, honey, I have some bad news. Your mother has been in a car accident and is at Alliance Memorial Hospital. I'm already here and hope you get this soon."

Candice looks like she's just been punched in the gut. I reach out to offer a hug or whatever someone does when they get this kind of news.