
Chapter 52

** Brad **

Man to Man

"You had a chance to leave, yet you chose to stay," Atticus says, looking genuinely curious. "Do you love her?"

Ignoring him, I attempt to get back up but he stands over me, demanding my answer. I slowly look up at him, trying to keep his attention away from my hand, gathering some of the fallen salt.

"Answer me!" he shouts as animal-like shadows begin crawling along the ceiling.

If I weren't in so much pain, the horrific show above my head would be terrifying, but I'm finally able to get a full

breath and force my legs to pull me up. Immediately, my hand tosses the last bits of black salt in his face. He

disappears again but this time, I'm ready for it. I know I only have a few seconds to get Candice down.

"Brad, run!" Candice shrieks.

I turn around to see Atticus flying straight toward me, both hands stretched out, aiming directly for my throat.

"Stop...I love him!" Candice cries out.