Chapter 32

Patrick gave the sauce another stir and looked at the window. It was almost fully dark and Justine wasn't home yet.

He had just decided that he was officially worried when she came in the door.

"I'm really sorry I'm late," she said. "Drasil had me back in time, but I wanted to think. I walked the long way around the block. Pastor Daniel was at the church and he let me sit in the church and think. He told me to say hello for him.

"So what's happening that's causing all this thinking?"

"Well, you know that woman thing that we have to learn about in school? That all started while I was visiting Marisha. It was like eewwww, but she helped me out and it's all cool. She said I'm not really a child anymore and I have to start taking up adult responsibilities."

Patrick looked at her and realized that despite all the things that had happened she was still a child growing up, though faster than he was ready for.

"You look weird, Dad. Do you need to scream or something?"