"Let me look." Stone took the dishes back into the cottage and came out with some clothes. The loose pants and shirt were much more comfortable than the warm clothes that Patrick had been wearing. Stone also had a bag with some bread and cheese in it.
"Let's go."
They stopped a couple more times to drink water. When it was getting dark Stone wanted to rest in one of the villages.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Patrick said. "Those soldiers seem to be concentrating on villages, and we don't want to get caught in one." Stone shrugged and led them off the road a little way into a copse of trees.
Patrick sat down with his back against a tree with smooth bark. Justine sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder. Stone leaned against another tree. Within minutes both children were sleeping. Patrick tried to stay awake to watch, but he couldn't see anything. He finally decided he needed the sleep enough to risk not keeping watch.