At about midday they met a City official who directed them off to one section of the camp.
"Welcome and be at peace in our home and hearth. Tents will be made available to you and there is a well. Trenches have been dug for toilets, use them. We don't need to have disease making the rounds along with everything else." He didn't say anything about the bundles of sticks, but Patrick thought he gave an approving nod.
The tent City was even more depressing than the road. People sat listlessly in front of their tents. Some eyed the bundles of sticks, but most just stared at the ground. They looked like a people already defeated.
What was worse was the group of young men only a few years older than Stone who stopped them to stare at Patrick and Justine. These boys wore ragged clothes and frowns. They didn't look friendly.
"They look like the invaders," one said.
"What are they doing here?" another asked.
"They are my guests," Davvad said.