Chapter 56

"What did people do before the guest houses?"

"There is provision to tell a person on your door step that you are very sorry, but you have no room and insufficient food for your own household. Then the person is obligated to leave and find other shelter."

"I imagine that would be hard to take if you were being turned away from a grand estate."

"Oh yes," Hersh grinned, "but the rules of the peace say you can't argue. The host loses face, but keeps their wealth. The King wanted to take that option away completely, but it would have been impossible. The compromise was the guest house. Unfortunately, he died before they were put into use."

"Why did you call him the Final King?"

"He had no children and had been an only son. The City Council stepped in as Regent until a suitable heir could be found. Everything ran so much smoother without a King on the throne they just never got around to replacing him."
