Chapter 68

He was wakened by the surgeon and handed a bowl of gruel. There was some bitter tasting herb in it, but Patrick choked it down.

The surgeon just watched until Patrick had finished, then led him out of the tent. They were surrounded by a camp which looked almost as big as the one around the City, The refugees had made their tents into makeshift homes These tents stood in rigid lines and all looked identical. It was clear to Patrick the only purpose of this camp was military. Soldiers in white bustled about their work paying no heed to the surgeon and Patrick. He noticed a few others who worked in the background. The soldiers, like the surgeon and Prince were more olive toned than the Pax. These others were much more diverse though they were dressed in grey or brown. Their eyes flinched away from the surgeon. More slaves. What have you got me into? He silently asked the Goddess, but got no answer. He was on his own here.