Chapter 73

"Someone needs to."

"They can find someone else."

"That's how Justine ended up dead. No one wanted to do what was needed."

Davvad hung his head.

"You are right, friend Patrick. I will tell them I will take the Chair when my home is rebuilt. Marisha may never forgive me."

"She will be proud of you. Lead your people like you lead your family."

Davvad enveloped Patrick in a hug then walked off after the Chair of the Council.

"I'm not sure the Council knows what they're letting themselves in for," Patrick said.

"With luck they won't find out until he is firmly planted in the King's Chair." Hersh joined him on the pavement and watched Davvad talk to the Chair of the Council.

"I wasn't fair with him," Patrick said. "I shouldn't use Justine's name that way."

"What would Justine have said to him?"

"She would have told him to take the seat."

"Well then," Hersh shrugged. "He's doing what she wanted."