Blonde Troublemaker

"So, what are you into?"

Immediately, my mind began to spiral out of control.

"NOT LIKE THAT, you damn perv. I mean, what kinds of things do you like to do?"

After recovering from the shock of misinterpreting the first question, I began to search my brain for something I can answer that isn't totally lame.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find what I was seeking.

"I- uh, like to read, and..."

"Oh, cool! So that's why you always have your pervy nose stuck up in a book!"

"I didn't mean to look up your skirt earlier! You just happened to get up first!"


I didn't respond. I never seem to be able to defend myself.

"Well, I guess that's in the past. So whatcha reading right now, Glasses? Something X-rated?"

"For your information, I'm actually currently reading a translation of a Japanese novel. I like reading books from around the world."

"Wow, so you're not totally boring!"

"I can't tell if that was a complement or an insult."

"Forget what I said. Anyways, what's the name of the book?"

"It's called Alliance of-"


For a few moments, as I had talked with a blonde troublemaker, I had forgotten where I was. With the angry bellow of the temperamental lunch monitor, I remembered that I was at school, and I was now a troublemaker too.

So much for college.


The rest of that day went by fairly quickly. We somehow only escaped with warnings, which I suspect was due to my multiple apologies to the lunch monitor. After getting off the hook, the blonde troublemaker said one last thing to me for the day.

"I'm gonna get us both in detention someday. See ya, Glasses!"

As I watched her walk away, I began to mentally explore the idea of attending community college.

After finishing the last class for the day, which involved yet another syllabus quiz, I boarded the school bus for the ride home. I was simply looking for a peaceful ride to my safe haven.

Of course, something had to go wrong.

The next student to board the bus was a stocky guy with bleached hair.

My heart sank to the floor when he decided to sit next to me.

"It looks like I sat next to the loser who never stands up for himself. How's your day been, loser?"

"What do you want with me?"

"I want to have some fun. Let me start off by introducing myself. Nice to meet you loser, my name is Jaku."

"Why are you doing this?"

"What's your name, loser?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"FYI, I already know all about you. Your name is Higeki Ketsuron. You're a sophomore. You use to be fairly popular in middle school, until that one incident. Since then, you've had a best friend that moved away, a friend that acts like the big sister you never had, and now surprisingly, a freshman girlfriend who doesn't know anything about your past. Am I right?"

"She's not my girlfriend. And why do you care so much about me?"

"I want to help out the other person who was involved in that incident. You don't deserve to have a quiet life."

"Can you leave me alone? I haven't talked to her since then."

"No can do, I need to help-"


Everyone in the bus turned to us, including the driver. Jaku seemed to be prepared for just this moment.

"Driver, Higeki just threatened me."

And just like that, I was walking home.


After receiving a referral to the principal from the driver, I began my three-mile journey home.

As I walked in boredom, I began to comprehend the day's events. First, I embarrassed myself. Then, I got knocked out by a blonde troublemaker. Then, that blonde troublemaker made me a troublemaker, too. Then, I got kicked off my bus. My mom and little sister are probably worried that I haven't made it home yet, and I haven't talked to Taiki since before lunch. I got dragged outside by that troublemaker before Taiki could find me.

While thinking about all of this, I realized that I haven't checked my phone all day.

When I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen, I was shocked to find a text from the troublemaker herself.

"Whatcha up to??"

Taiki must've given my number to her. Which means they both ran into each other today. Did they talk about me?

Just the thought of it made me shudder. I'm not a fan of being talked about when I'm not around. That creeps me out.

Just as I was starting to make plans to change my number, I reached my house.

I opened the front door to a eccentric beast that some may call a little sister.


My mom appears from the kitchen.

"Why didn't you ride the bus?"

"I missed it."

"How did you manage that?"

"I took too long to get to the bus line."

"Are you lying to me?"


I couldn't tell her about what happened today. I didn't want to risk her finding out about the middle school incident.

After I finished eating dinner, I went to my room, locked the door, and collapsed on my bed. I was done for the day.

At least, my body was done. My mind was still moving at a million miles an hour.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. That blonde troublemaker who invaded my world.

That girl named Nozomu.


It was night. There was a dark room. In front of the window, shining with moonlight, was a dark figure, sitting behind a desk. The figure had its arms crossed on the desk.

"So, did you get an education today, or did you waste your life away with teenage stupidity?"

Another figure stood in front of the desk, as still as a statue.

"I got an educa-"

"Don't lie to me, you useless excuse of an offspring! Your day was full of stupidity. I can see it in your face! You need to get serious TODAY! Now, get the hell out of my office."

"Yes, sir."

The standing figure closed its eyes and turned to leave the office.

Moonlight shined off of the brightly-colored hair.

Once the figure turned away, the eyes opened.

There was a sea of blue. Those blue eyes were filled with tears.