Chapter 1: Foreward


While 'Boundary' is a work of fiction, this novel is based largely on real events. With exceptions, it contains the names of people who existed and had influence during that time. The period in which this story takes place highlights an often-misunderstood, dark passage of New Zealand's early colonial history. Many people are still sensitive and suffer today as a result of what transpired during that era. Rather than exploit that suffering and pain for the purpose of mere entertainment, I hope that this book creates an awareness that prompts the reader to ask questions and seek informed answers.

No disrespect is intended to the descendants of the people whose names I have used; for most characters, their personalities and behaviour are entirely a creation of my imagination. The only similarity between the characters in this book and real people who lived during that time, is in name only. The use of fictitious names may not have served in the best interests of this story, possibly weakening sequences that relied heavily on historical accuracy.

Paul W. Feenstra.

Excerpt from chapter I, from the book -

'Information Relative to New Zealand: Compiled for the use of Colonists'

There is, probably, no part of the world which presents a more eligible field for the exertion of British enterprise, or a more promising career of usefulness to those who labour in the cause of human improvement, than the islands of New Zealand. The relative position of those islands, their soil, climate, rivers, harbours, and valuable natural productions, - all invite Englishmen to settle there. And it is obvious that great benefits may be conferred upon the natives, by the introduction among them of the habits and arts of an orderly and civilised British community.

John Ward Esq,

Secretary to the New Zealand Company