
Chapter 53


"Andy?" yelled Eleanor, as she walked quickly towards him with Aroha at her side.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed and put both hands to her face. "Pork-Chop!"

Te Wharepouri looked on in puzzlement, he turned to Aroha questioning her.

Eleanor stood beside Andrew and looked in horror at the carcass before them, it was their pig, their Pork-Chop.

"Are you offended by pig meat?" asked Aroha.

"No... no, we are not," replied Andrew trying hard to regain his composure, his voice shook in fury. He pointed to the carcass, "This was our pig! Barrett's men must have gone to our home and slaughtered her while we were here."

Aroha translated for her father. His curiosity turned to anger as he understood what had happened. "Do you want to take pig home?" he asked, without the need of Aroha.

After a moment's pause, "Please accept this pig as our gift. As our koha?" Eleanor stated, and looked to Aroha to confirm the correct use of the word koha.