Chapter 7 -Rescue the Moon Stone

In the Pokemon center after healing the Pokemon Three of them were chatting.

Then Brock spoke "Hey Ash do you still have the Iron tail Tm"

Ash was confused "What is Tm"

Brock "Huh Then how did your Pikachu and Pidgey learned Steel moves"

Misty laughed "Brock Ash taught them "


Brock asked "Ash what is your age"

Ash replied "10 years 1 month one day"

"when did you start your Journey "

"A week ago"

"When did you got your pokemon"

"Both seven days Ago"

Brock fell silent then spoke "Give your Pokedex"

Ash gave him his pokedex .

Brock pushed some buttons.

"Trainer Ash Ketchum D – Rank


Pikachu starter Rank – C

Pidgeotto Caught as Pidgey Rank – C


Brock fell silent and slowly fell back startling Ash.

"Brock are you fine"

Brock Stood up and Looked at Ash as if he was a ghost but then Everyone's Pokedex rang.

"D+ rank Mission . Team Rocket Has been found in the vicinity of Mt Moon. Least requirement D rank trainer with a gym badge . Highest strength of enemy estimated D+ rank."

Then On everyone's Pokedex appeared Accept or Decline.

Ash Misty and Brock looked at Each other and then Clicked on Accept.

And then the last location where team rocket was seen through satellite was shown.


After Preparing some Potions and medicines and food they started to walk towards Mt Moon It will be a Day's Trip and It was Afternoon and they would need to camp at night.

As they were Walking Brock Spoke "Hey Ash I wanted to Ask you about this but we were in a hurry."

"Okay Ask"

"Why did you got sentimental when you heard that my father left me and family alone"

Ash sighed "Because I have experienced how life is hard in the start without a father"

"Huh sorry"

"No problem Everyone thinks that he had died but I feel he is still alive"

Misty asked "What happened"

Ash "Don't tell this to anyone one else this is the secret of the league"

"Huh okay "

Ash spoke "My father is the previous Kanto champion Red Satoshi Ketchum"

Misty nodded first then "What You are the son of the champion"

Brock "But we have never seen him since last six years and the league told us that both Red and Blue have went to Alola "

"Yes they went to there when I was Four and they both got pulled into the worm hole and their survival chances were 10 %"

"But I believe that they are still alive"

Brock then smiled "Its good and I think you could find him"

Misty spoke "Now it confirms why you are so good at training"

"Nah I don't know how dad Trains his pokemon I just Followed his Advice and studied all I can But still experience is the most important ."

"That's true"


After few hours of walking they saw Mt Moon towering through the sky .

Then suddenly Pidgeotto Flew down and said chirped . Pikachu got angry and pulled Ash's Collar and Pointed at a direction at some distance away from them.

"huh what you want us to go there "


"Okay" then they rand towards the direction and saw some goons wearing Team Rocket uniforms torturing a Bulbasaur.

Everyone got angry and Ash spoke "Pikachu Go distract them and Pidgeotto Save that bulbasaur"

"Pi " "Geottto"

Pikachu went towards them with quick attack and hit a goon in his stomach and ran .

Rocket goon 1 "Oh a nasty Pikachu After him"

Then all four of them ran after Pikachu and Pidgeotto dived and Picked the Injured Bulbasaur and went towards Ash.


Pidgeotto "Hey Bulbasaur are you fine"

"Yes and thank you"

"Don't thank me thank my trainer he has came here to catch those goons"

Bulbasaur thought for a while and asked "How do your trainer treat you"

"Huh he is a good person he saved me from spearow's when I was just a Pidgey and trained me into what I am now and I evolved in just six days with him and please don't look down on him due to his age and he is caring too"

Bulbasaur's eyes glowed but then he sighed he wanted a trainer like that not anyone who just use money and don't do any training.


Ash saw Pidgeotto and was ran while speaking "Brock use Onix to grab those goons"

Brock nodded and released Onix and said "Go underground and catch those goons"

Onix went into action.

While this Ash helped Bulbasaur to come down and check his injuries and saw him bleeding and anger could be seen in his eyes but he calmed down and spoke "Go and help Pikachu"


He then rummaged through his bag and treated Bulbasaur's wounds with Misty and gave him some food.


Pikachu felt that the ground was vibrating and smirked as he knew that Onix was down as he knew the familiar vibrations and he stopped.

The goons smiled and one spoke "Finally tired now let .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

A thunder bolt hit them and Pikachu was lifted in the sky by Pidgeotto. Pikachu looked Down and smiled.

One goon was conscious who spoke "Wait and I will show you the hell"

Pikachu shook his head and the goon felt something was a miss and then he was squeezed with three of his friends and fainted.


Ash and friends tied the goons and Brock sent a message to the league.

Ash then looked at Bulbasaur and spoke "Do you have a Trainer"

He shook his head. Ash smiled and spoke "Want to come with us you can stay out while we are not in city"

Bulbasaur was delighted because his last trainer left him because he was weak and this boy who is stronger than his previous trainer simply asked him.He ran and launced himself in Ash hands and Ash caught him "Welcome to the Family" "Bulbasaur"

Then Misty came and spoke "There are more than thirty pokemon with them most are injured and we don't have that much medicines we can only wait for league to come."

Ash nodded and spoke "Give them something to eat"

Then Brock Spoke "Leave it to me"

Misty "You are a cook "

"Yes "

"Good now I don't need to eat that canned food"

"If You want then you can help"

Misty nodded ..

Ash spoke uncertainly "I never cooked anything I'd like to learn something"

"Okay just watch and learn and buy a cookbook in next city"

Ash nodded .


After few minutes the goons woke up.

Ash didn't have any experience in interrogation so Misty asked for Pikachu and went in front of them.

The goon threatened "You are over estimating yourself don't mess in the plans of Team rocket "

Misty "Blah blah blah Pikachu" she looked at Pikachu and he nodded and electricity sparked at his cheeks.

The goon was scared.

Misty smiled "Now what are your Plans"

Goon was scared and spoke "I don't know"

"Pikachu" Misty spoke

"Pika chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"


" Now Speak"

The Other goons were scared shitless and one of them just peed in his pants. A disgusting smell came.

"Eewww Pikachu again"

"Noooooo I will speak we came for Moon stone"

As soon he ended a Thuder bolt landed and they fainted.

Brock spoke "They are just low level goons there must be someone higher but they can't be higher than C –rank"

Ash and Misty nodded and then a Truck came and A beautiful lady came out and Brock started to drool and went and catch her hand and spoke "Ooh Officer Jenny We are determined by fate to meet here " Officer Jenny sweat dropped.

Ash and Misty fell in anime style and Misty went towards Brock.

Brock continued "Would you mind to come for a YeOOOOOOOOOWw"

Misty twisted his ear and spoke "She already has to put four in jail to put fifth one can't take much effort"


Officer jenny took care of the goons and Ash and his friends continued towards their Journey after resting for night.


Ash "Why do they need Moon stone"

Brock spoke "I don't but I think Energy "

Misty "To evolve Pokemon"

"Yes but it can be only used for certain pokemons."

Misty spoke "Yes but if they extract the pure energy and forced them into pokemon then they will just become destroyers "

Brock "That is a possibility we need to stop it"

Ash "Yes"


In a cave in Mt. Moon.

Jessie "Hey James why do we the moon stone"

"I don't know Meowth was speaking with boss"

The cat spoke "They need energy for research"

"And we will get promotion to officers "

Their eyes shone at the mention of promotion.


Ash and friends finally reached Mt moon at noon due to Officer Jenny's help.

Ash "Lets kick some rockets"

Misty chuckled and Brock smiled at the young trainer's antics.

As they were about to go in some zubats ran out and the trio were startled but calmed down quickly.

"Pikachu Thunder bolt"

"Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" he launched a lightning bolt at the zubats and they scattered and Brock catched a Zubat.

After they walked in they were ready for darkness but saw the cave lit as day.

Brock spoke "Now I know why the Zubats Ran out"

They followed the path inside and saw a dozen rocket goons digging for moon stones and they quickly hid behind a rock.


Ash "Can we handle them"

Brock "If they have too many Pokemon then no but only one or two each then that's okay"

Misty "How About a sneak attack "


Misty Looked at both of them and said "Bulbasaur knows sleep powder right"

Ash nodded understanding something.

"So we just need someone to deliver it to them. So we can win without noise"

Brock "Good Plan How about we tie a pouch with sleep Powder to zubat and ask him to spread it and he can do it and it will also not be suspicious as a bulbasaur or Pidgeotto"

They both nodded and asked Bulbasaur to collect sleep powder in a Pouch .

"Zubat go an spread it"

Zubat nodded and and flew towards the goons. And started to spread sleep powder.


Goons "Hey is it night"

"I think yess *yawn*"

"*yawn* Good night "

And the goons started fell down one by one and Ash tied them and kept inside a corner and went deeper in the cave.


Ash "Hey brock are we going to battle someone now"

"I think yes"


Suddenly a clefairy came in front of them and she panicked .

Misty said "Don't worry we are here to catch those rocket idiots."

Clefairy looked at Misty's face and noded and made a sign to follow her.

Ash looked at others and started to follow.


Jessie "Ahh It is so boring to search this cave"

James "*yawn* Its fine call those goons to do our work"

Meowth nodded and sent a signal to the goons to come back. But the signal didn't return .

Meowth asked "Are they sleeping is it night already "

James looked at time "Nope"

Jessie smirked "Someone must have caught them and now we will get his or hers Pokemon and we will gift it to boss"

"Yes and we will get rich"

Then a shout came .

"Team rocket stop everything "

Jessie smiled "good Brat now give us your pokemon"

Ash looked at the trio "You are three idiots who we blasted from the viridian pokemon centre."

James "Oh that's why you looked similar last time we were unprepared now lets fight Go Koffing"

Jessie "You will pay for messing with Team Rocket Go Ekans"

Meowth "You will give us your pokemon in no time"

Ash , Brock and Misty were Sweating at the chatter boxes "

Ash "Lets fight your first battle go Bulbasaur"

Brock "Go Geodude"

Misty "Go Staryu"

Jessie "Ekans Poison sting on staryu"

"Koffing use sludge on geodude"

Meowth "Fury swipes"

Misty "Dodge then swift"

Brock "Dig"

Ash "Razor leaf"


Misty versus Jessie

Then first Ekans's Poison sting came Staryu just jumped and released swift stars and they went towards Ekans .

"Ekans Destroy them"

Ekans started To spit Pin missile at the swift but only half of them were blocked and rest hit home and Ekans wailed in pain.

"Ekans stand up an bind "

"Strayu use rapid spin"

Ekans caught staryu and started to squeeze him but it started to spin and its scales cracked and it wailed again and released him.

Misty "Now water gun"

Staryu released a jet of water and It hit ekans and he fainted and landed on Jessie . Jessie mumbled something.


Brock versus James

Koffing's Sludge arrived and and missed as geodude went inside the ground.

James "Go inside the hole and Explode"

Brock "Oh no you don't Geodude come out and use rock throw to block the exit and entrance"

As Koffing went inside the hole and its body started to glow geodude Came out form another Place and Blocked both exits with rocks.

"Nooooooooo Koffing"


But it did not do anything to geodude and the ground just vibrated .

Brock smiled "Now Earthquake"

"Geo Dude" HE said and and smashed the ground and it started to shake and cracks formed and a fainted Koffing was came out rolling.

"Throw it towards James"

Geodude Picked the fainted koffing and threw it towards James.


Meowth ran towards Bulbasaur and to use fury swipes but was hit by several sharp leaves.

Ash "Now pick him up using vine whips"

Bulbasaur nodded and Picked him up and threw towards the other two.

Ash "Oh man this was the easiest and he was acting like there boss"

"Bulba saur" He nodded to dissatisfied.

"Next time I will fight first"


Brock "Ash now do the honors "

Ash "Pikachu"

The mouse nodded "Pikachuuuuuuuuuuu" and launched a thunderbolt towards them and boooom an explosion sounded and the trio blasted through the roof of the cave.

A shout came "Team rocket Blasts off again"

Ash was confused "Huh that is an escape technique"

Misty "Painful"

Brock nodded "Lets call the league"

Ash nodded and called the league through Pokedex.

A Voice came "Hello Trainer This is Pokemon League Kanto Region"

Ash "Hello we have completed the Mt. Moon Mission But the Leaders escaped by using some Explosion technique"

"Good But why were they at Mt Moon"

"To find Moon stone"

"Ok Thank you for your help and your reward will bee sent to your team's Pokedex"

And Called cut down and all tree Pokedex rang.

"Congratulations for completing D+ – Rank Mission Rescue the Moon stone.

You got 10000 Pokedollars and league symbol (Bronze)"


Next chapter: Chapter 8 - Creulean Gym