Chapter 13 - A Ship A Gang A Pokemon Part - II

Ash, Brock and Misty came together and then Dexter spoke.

Dexter "They are acting at 1300 hrs and they are going to threaten using the bomb planted in the engine room"

Brock "That is going to be a problem, can you diffuse it"

Dexter "I can but I need time"

Misty "Then we can Act"

Ash "How much"

Dexter "Five Minutes before they act"

Brock "We should get ready and Dexter how many goons are there"

Dexter "Counting the trio there will be 34 all D rank and Ash they will be targeting you for your Ivysaur"

Misty "Ash we said that we should stay low"

Brock "Wait Ivysaur"

Ash "But they only saw his half strength"

Dexter "That's right they thought that Ivysaur is D+ rank and Ash one more thing your rank has increased because having a C+ rank pokemon and two C rank Pokemon so you are now D rank"

Brock "Good Ash and I have got a Growlithe"

Misty "I don't have a new pokemon but an egg"

Ash "I am only left"

Dexter "You already have five pokemon Ash"

Ash "Yup now one thing is good that we don't need to find them they will find us"

Misty "That's good now let's go to the Deck I need fresh air"

Brock "Right if needed then Pidgeotto can also help"

Pikachu "What about me"

Dexter "No Volt bomb"

Pikachu "I have the mental block for it Dexter and the one used in gym was only a quarter bomb"

Dexter "You are planning to use it with the light ball"

Misty "Ash I think you can handle Cinnabar Island"

Brock "That is for later on to the Deck"

Ash "Aye aye captain"

Misty chuckled.


After few minutes.

On the Deck

Dexter "Hey Ash I have diffused the bomb early"

Ash "Good now let's wait for the prey to come Charmander need a fight"

A certain turtle pokemon rolled in front of Ash.

Ash "Huh hi"

Squirtle "Hi Ash"

Ash "Hey how do you know my name"

Squirtle sighed "Ash It's been only four months we have met"

Ash then tried to remember about four months ago.


Ash was excited as he was going to Professor Oak's Lab and to get to see pokemon and then a certain Squirtle rolled in front of him.

"Squirtle" it said to Ash while waving his hand

Ash "Hi Squirtle"

Oak smiled "Ash He is a starter Pokemon you will get one four months later"

Ash "Oh I want Squirtle than"

Oak As your wish [you don't know Ash you will get someone else]

"Hey Squirtle if you are Available then I will promise to take you with me on my journey"



Ash "Yes got it you are that Squirtle who I promise to take on my journey four months ago"

Squirtle "Right"

Ash "But you were taken by someone"

Squirtle "That Rich man left me because I lost a battle"

Ash "Who is he tell me leaving just because of a single battle he is just like Damian"

Squirtle "You can understand me"

Brock "We all can"

Squirtle "how"

Then Dexter came out "I am translating"

"Oh hi Pokedex"

Dexter "I am a Porygon and now I can't materialized because we are on hot target "

Ash "Yeah we have to defeat team rocket"

Squirtle "Those bastards have put many pokemons in basement"

Ash "Oh we need to save them"

Then Charmander came out.

Charmander "Hi brother long time no see"

Squirtle "You are here"

Charmander "Yup same as you left by trainer picked by Ash"

Ash "You two know each other"

Both nodded and Charmander spoke "We were taken by same family as Damian and Richard are brothers"

Brock "They too have same behavior"

Ash "So now Squirtle want come with me"


"Welcome to the family" Pikachu

And Ash captured Squirtle.

Dexter "Squirtle .............

Rank D+"

Dexter sighed "I need to train harder��

Ash "Hey you are just 4 days old with big brain"

Dexter "I have Ram and Rom not brain"

Ash "Whatever"

Brock "It should be started"

Dexter "They should come in four minutes get ready to act"

All of them chuckled.


Soon five goons came and surrounded Ash and friends.

One of them "Give your pokemons and lets us tie you"

Ash "I will not give my Pikachu and Pokemons they are mine"

Goons laughed "You will give as there is a bomb planted on the ship"

Other said "We don't want that little mouse we want your Ivysaur"

Brock [Oh no]

Misty [Fools we are trying to not let him act and you are teasing him]

Ash [Why do everyone always think Pikachu is weak]

Pikachu [why Arceus why do everyone goes on my size]

Ash "Calm down Pikachu"

Brock "That's enough Acting Ash or else they might say some thing else"

Misty "That's right"

Ash "We want to battle you"

Goons "Do you think you can defeat us because you Ivysaur is strong"

Goon "Ok let me show you how to bully come on everyone we have got some targets"

Soon thirty or some goons gathered and then the rocket trio came with a bag full of pokeballs

Ash "Its you"

Jessie "Hey brat now let me show you what is called bullying"


Brock [Bullying I think Pikachu Pidgeotto or Ivysaur alone can take them all]

Misty [Bullying want to see what is bullying]

Ash "Ok we have got some Practice targets Charmander Squirtle"

Soon the two Pokemon appeared of the battlefield.

The goons were shocked at first then saw the pokemon with greedy eyes.

One said "Hey boss we have all three of them"

"I think he is a rich boy we can extract money from him"

Ash "Start the battle"

Misty "Go Staryu"

Brock "Go geodude"

But before they could start people came up and shouted "Wait they have Bomb on the ship don't battle"

James "They are telling the truth"

Meowth hold the remote in his hand and said "Only one button and the engine room will explode"

Ash chuckled " Do you think that Bomb is still working"

Brock "Try and see"

The captain said "The really have the bomb"

Jessie "Let them see we have our helicopter now Meowth blast the ship"

The crowd "No stop"

Meowth did not stop and pressed the button.

Few seconds passed and nothing happened and Ash couldn't help but laugh.

Ash "fools when you gave us the passes we knew who are you and the bomb is diffused"

James "What"

The crowd "What but why didn't you tell us before how can you three handle all of them"

James "That's right"

Brock "There are reasons First if we have alerted you then we can't have diffused the bomb."

Misty "Second to gather everyone here"

Ash "Third only some D ranks goons cannot defeat us"

The Captain said "Who are you"

Brock "Pewter Gym leader"

Misty "Cerulean Gym leader"

Ash "What should I tell as"

Brock and Misty together "THE GYM DESTROYER"

Captain's eyes wide opened "Gym destroyer"

Rocket trio "The Gym destroyer Goons stop them as they cannot use the electric pokemon on water"

Ash "We don't need to use Pikachu or Pidgeotto"

Brock "That will be overkill to use C rank pokemons"

Goons "Don't overestimate yourself go koffing and Ekans"

Soon there were 15 Koffings and Ekans each on the floor.

Ash "Divide and attack Charmander Flamethrower Squirtle Water gun"

Brock "Geodude Rock throw "

Misty "Staryu Swift"

A fire pillar water pillar rocks and swifts hit all the team rockets pokemon and defeated them.


One of the goons said "Run"

Ash "Oh no you don't Ivysaur Garb them"

"Now let's Squeeze " Ivysaur came out and used vine whip to catch everyone.

Ash "Brock Misty lets go and tie them"


One person in the crowd said "The trio are escaping with the Pokemons"

Ash "What" soon a Helicopter went into the air.

Jessie "Haa ha Fools now what can you do"

James "Take this as a gift" and he launched a missile at the ship.

Ash "I think you still did not understand Pikachu please"

Pikachu "I will stop the Missile but give the fight to Pidgeotto she wants it" he said while launching a thunder bolt towards the missile which blasted apart"

Ash "Okay Go Pidgeotto".

She Appeared in the Air and said "Thanks Ash"

The Rocket trio were stunned "No this is cheating"

Ash "huh"

Brock Misty and the crowd everyone was confused.

James said in embarrassment "You said we were to low level to use C – Rank Pokemon"

Ash "You used a helicopter and I only have Pidgeotto who can fly"

The crowd started to laugh.

Jessie "Whatever launch missiles at her and escape"

Ash "Pidgeotto be careful" he said as many missiles came towards Pidgeotto who was dodging them but finally on hit and explosion occurred.

Jessie gave a fanatic laugh "C rank Pokemon hahahah"

Crowd was disappointed.

Ash "Thank you now Pidgeot Hurricane"

Everyone leaving Brock and Misty said "Pidgeot"

Then a loud cry came and an eight foot bird appeared from the smoke.

Jessie "What"

Pidgeot said "Ash check this move"

Ash "okay"

Pidgeot "flame Hurricane" and she launched a spinning hurricane with flames in it at the helicopter"

Pikachu "Ash do you have an umbrella"

Brock and Misty "Same here"

Ash "Nope Pidgeot Take the Pokeballs and you overdid it"

Pidgeot "Oops"She said and went into the hurricane and came out with a fired trio and a bag full of Pokeballs.

Ash "Good Ivysaur catch them and give the pokeballs to the their trainers"

Ivysaur used vine whip to tie the rocket trio and passed the Pokeballs to the Captain.

The Captain said "Thank you"

Ash "No problem but do you have an umbrella"


Charmander Returned himself and heavy rain poured down.

Ash "For this" as the Flame hurricane also lifted water and became a Water hurricane.

Soon everyone were drenched in water.

Brock "This is better than destroying things"

Everyone nodded.

Misty "Do we have room to lock them up as the league said that we can hand them over at Cinnabar"

Captain said "We have"

Then Ash brought Charmander out "Overheat please"

Charmander "With pleasure"

And he increased the temperature and vaporized all the water .

Ash "Still I am going to take a shower"

Misty "Me too"

Brock "Okay now let's enjoy this week on ship"


So guys Ash got all the Kanto starters and Brock and Misty got a pokemon and the next Chapter

Chapter 14 – Ash's Dream and The Abandoned Laboratory