Chapter 17 – Disaster and Tournament  

Ash "Pikachu can we save all of them"

Pikachu "If the Plan goes well then most or else it will be disaster"

Ash "Let's hope and can this Dexter phone connect with all of us"

"Let's try Hey Charmeleon"

Charmeleon "Yes"

Pikachu "Yup its working"

Ivysaur "Hey Ash I think that when you are going to explode the top we also should fire then the volcano will be curved inwards"

Wartortle "Yup I agree"

Ash "Okay Dexter can you check the perfect time"

Dexter "As soon as Pidgeot's hurricane ends"

Ash "Okay guys blow up the bigger ones only and the small will be dealt by the trainers below"

Dexter "I will inform Blaine"

Ash "Good"

As seconds and seconds passed there was panic everywhere in the crowd. Trainers were going on top of buildings directing the citizens.

The most tensed person was Ash "Dexter time"

Dexter "Time to explode 30 seconds should I count down"

Ash "Yes and Pidgeot release your Hurricane at 5"

Pidgeot nodded and started to focus.

Dexter "T – 26"

"T – 25

T – 24

T -23


T – 10

T – 9

T – 8

T - 7

T – 6"

Ash "Pidgeot now" "T – 5"

Pidgeot then released a massive hurricane on the mouth of the volcano and started to make circles around it a subsonic speed"


Everyone on the Television and on the island saw a massive hurricane form at the mouth of the volcano.

Reporter "What is he doing Pilot and time remaining for explosion"

Pilot "He is using the move hurricane and volcano will explode in four seconds"




The volcano exploded and the whole crowd lost the hopes of surviving seconds pass but nothing happened then one of then looked up.

"Hey that massive hurricane is keeping the debris from coming out"

And Soon the crowd started to cheer.

"Thank goodness we are saved"

Ash heard this but soon got angry and shouted on top of his voice "YOU FOOLS QUICK GET AWAY FROM THE VOLCANO I CANNOT SUSTAIN THIS FOR LONG TIME"

The crowd then again started to run towards the out skirts of island.


Everyone watching the television were shocked and then started clapping soon there were clapping sound in the whole Kanto.


In Pallet Oak's Lab.

Professor Oak "Ash is really something"

Unown "This is reason he has been selected as the chosen one by Ho oh"

Oak "Yup Celebi"

Celebi "Yes you are asking that will anything odd will happen then it's no"

Oak "Good looks like we need to hide Ash's Real Identity ok call the League"

Celebi "That would be better"


Reporter calmed down and asked "Give me the mic and contact him"



Ash was looking at hurricane to search the big rocks coming out.

Dexter "Ash the helicopter is contacting you"

Ash "Can you change my voice"

Dexter "Yes I will change it to 18 years old"

Ash "Good pick up the call"

The Female reporter's voice sounded "Hey Mister"

Ash "Yes" An voice slightly heavier sounded"

Reporter [As I expected he is 18-19]

"How much longer can you sustain it"

Ash "Don't know"

"Ok can you give an interview later"

"I will not give my identity"

"Okay fine you can come with mask"

"Ok After this is over I will come"


"Now please restrain form calling me"

"Okay good luck"

"Thanks and try to be away from the volcano big rocks can come out any time"

"We will"

And then she disconnected.

Ash then saw some big shadows in the Hurricane and he spoke in the Dexter's mic "Guys get ready they are coming"

"Yes" Five voices came.

Then and huge rock flew out towards north.

The faces of the crowd at north paled.

Ash "Charmeleon use flame thrower half power"

"Okay here goes fire"

Then suddenly from a top of building a fire pillar shot towards the rock destroyed it to dust.

Then the crowd saw a Charmeleon standing proudly at the top of the building and cheered again.

And they also saw an Ivysaur, a Wartortle and two other at other three tall buildings in the other directions.


Ash "Guys Incoming and hold on for more nine minutes"

"We are good you are close to the volcano be safe"

Ash "Thanks" and then he shouted "TRAINERS BELOW TAKE CARE OF SMALL ROCKS"

All trainers agreed with a loud yes as they were finally of some use.

Then many rocks flew form the hurricane the big ones were taken care by Solar beams, Flame throwers, Hydro pump, Ice beam and by an attack with three elements one by one.

This carried on four eight and half minutes and the crowd was as far as ten kilometers away and then they saw that the hurricane was slowing down but they didn't complain as the trainer has done as much as he can.

Ash "Pikachu Charge the Full powered Volt Bomb, Ivysaur Solar beam, Charmeleon Flame thrower, Wartortle Hydro Pump, Dexter Tri Attack and Kabuto Ice beam and release it on my count"

Seconds passed by and slowly the hurricane started to disappear the whole Kanto region was quiet for the people who will die but still praised the trainer as he saved many lives but there eyes suddenly stuck to the glowing yellow ball on top of Pidgeot.

Ash "Now Fire Pikachu and then everyone"

Pikachu "here goes VOLT BOMB" and a Yellow colored sphere of lightning flew towards the top of volcano with many pillars of different elements. And then everything was quiet.


Reporter "I got it he is exploding the top to release the pressure"

Pilot was confused "But then why did he not do it earlier"

"Fool exploding will create debris"

"Oh yeah"


Then after silence came a loud sound of explosion.


And the whole Volcano exploded and then caved inside.

Ash's all pokemon were tired only Pidgeot had some energy to fly.

Ash "Pidgeot Let's go and collect them"


Then Ash returned all his Pokemon before the debris could catch up to him and flew towards the emergency Refuge spot in the north.


The debris did not came ahead after five kilometers and the whole Kanto region was happy some were laughing with tears in their eyes as their relatives were on the island some were giving praises and some were shocked, many children then vowed to become as great as Ash while their parents just laughed.


The panicked crowds then stopped in their place and started to cheer.


Blaine "This Kid was holding back when he was fighting me"

Brock "He is really something"

Misty "Well Ash is Ash"

Blaine's Phone rang and picked it up and listened and then nodded.

Blaine "Now even league has asked not to disclose his identity"

Brock "Yup what will happen if the people learned that a 10 year old saved more than a million lives"

They laughed.


As Ash was flying back Dexter spoke.

Dexter "Ash your mother"

Ash "Oh no"

Then Delia's voice sounded a little happy "Ash you are just like your father both trying to save the day"

Ash "how did you identified me"

"Ash I am your mother and I am proud of you and listen carefully don't release your real identity you have caught attention of many people and that mask is good and keep doing good work and be safe"

"Thanks MOM I love you"

"I love you dear bye"



As Delia kept the phone a Jolteon came in.

"Oh Jolteon looks like Red's training will final be of some use"


"Now ask Kadabra to keep look on team rocket"

"Jolt" she said and went away.


Ash then landed on top of the refuge building an thanked Pidgeot and returned him.

As he landed the crowd erupted in Cheers.

Ash just laughed then Blaine came towards him and spoke something in his ear and Ash nodded.

Misty "Oh THE GYM DESTROYER destroyed the volcano"

Brock just chuckled.

And there was a laughter from the crowd.

Blaine the spoke "I will need to shift the gym now"

Ash spoke "How about Seaform islands"

Blaine "I have heard there were sightings of Articuno there so no how about your town"

Ash "If you wish then it will become Pallet city"

Brock "Are you sure"

"That old fellow will agree and he will get a helper"

"Then its okay"

Blaine "Now to entertain the crowd we are keeping a tournament tomorrow and Ash if you want to participate you will not use your Four Pidgeot, Charmeleon, Ivysaur and Wartortle and Pikachu should be fine as there are many here and no destruction"

And then he spoke to the crowd "Ok the League has kept the identity of you savior hidden so please cooperate"

The crowd nodded as they knew the dangers of the world"

"And tomorrow there will be a Tournament every trainer can participate and the winner will get an Eevee"

Ash "Now I am in"

Misty "Who does not wants an Eevee"

Brock "Hey Dexter have you recorded everything"


Misty "Hey Ash how about we form our team"

Ash "Means"

Brock "There is competition for Emperor Class every ten years and we need to enter as a team"

Ash "Oh yeah then we can"

Misty "We need fourteen people"

Ash "We have nine years Misty"

"Oh right now tomorrow you must win as I need to cuddle and Eevee"

Ash chuckled "And Dexter my identity show as D+ rank trainer"

Brock "You ranked up"

Dexter "Yes I broke through D+ and Kabuto to C and the trio are on verge of C+"

Misty "Monsters"

Brock "We are catching Ash"

Misty "Right we just have less pokemon then you due to our types"

Ash "Brock then why do you have a Growlithe"

Brock "I want to become a breeder Ash"

Ash "Oh yeah now let me sleep"

Pikachu "Same here"

And they both fell down and slept.

The crowd saw all this.

Blaine spoke "The hero is tired"

Then a voice form the helicopter came "oh no we missed him"

The crowd laughed

Blaine "Wait for him to wake up"


Then a snoring voice came as Blaine to fell and slept.

Brock "Old man"

The crowd again laughed and then formed groups and rested


Ash woke up after five hours in a bed in the pokemon center.

Misty "Good morning hero"

Ash ��Hey"

Misty Chuckled.

Brock "Now you have an interview to attend"

Ash "Right I am 18 years old and what else"

Misty "And no personal info"

"Okay now where is my hoodie and Mask"

Brock "You should buy a set"

Ash "Yes now a question how many deaths"

Brock "Smiled some minor injuries and one injured Pokemon no deaths"

Ash sighed and then smiled "So that's good and way better than I expected"

Brock "You should see your creation"

Ash "Means"

Misty "Dexter please"

Then Dexter showed the Volcano which was caved inside like a bowl with four lines perpendicular"

Brock "They are going to make that area a stadium as the excess lava had solidified as the walls"

Ash "Good"

Then Pikachu snickered "The Stadium Creator"

Everyone laughed"

Brock "Now get ready the Reporter is so excited that she nearly fainted"

Ash "Okay"


After Few minutes he came out and there was a small speaker at the inner side of the mask to change the voice.

Ash spoke "Hello"

Brock "That's good"

Misty "Only your eyes are discernable"

Ash "There are many with such eyes"

Then a voice came "Gym leaders is he awake."

Brock replied "Yes coming"



As Ash went outside several flashes blinded him but he continued and went and stood in front of them. Several mikes were placed in front of his face.

Before anyone could ask he said "No personal questions only professional"

The reporters nodded.

One asked "How many total pokemon do you have and there strength"

Ash spoke "Two C+, three at peak of C, one C and One D+"

The reporters were shocked at first but calmed down quickly.

"Why do you destroy Gyms"

Ash spoke "The gym leaders force me give my all and just the walls of the gym are more decorated then sturdy and Vermillion was a lesson for Surge not to bully new trainers"

"Okay so what happened that the volcano became suddenly active"

Ash "Did Blaine told you anything"

They all shook their heads.

"That happened because of frequent battles between fire and water pokemon as the Gym leader uses Fire types and Trainers used Water type which made the ground weak"

The Reporters nodded and continued to ask question.

Ash finally came out after one hour.


Blaine "The results were good no one guessed your identity and you should fly out of the island first then come back without anyone noticing.

Ash nodded and released Pidgeot and flew out.

He flew away from the island on the way he saw many people waving to him and he just waved his hand and flew away for some time then changed his clothes and returned to beach with the help of Wartortle.


On the way back.

Ash "Hey Pikachu it feels great while saving people"

Pikachu "Yup" he said and then sighed.

Ash "What happened"

"Nothing thinking of my family"

Ash "What happened"

"Same caught in volcanic explosion and got separated"

Ash "Means in the explosion that occurred about two months ago near Pallet"


Ash "We'll find them"

"Thanks Ash"

"No problem we friends"

"Okay now that aside what do you think about this tournament who should I use"

Pikachu "Don��t use Dexter he is the only Porygon present and Only TGD has him"

"TGD means the gym destroyer"

"Yup how about Kabuto"

"Fine we are small and we have further evolutions"

Ash "You don't want to evolve right"

"Yup it is better like this and if I became Raichu I will need to stay in that small ball"

Ash chuckled "If you want stay however you want"

Pikachu "Lets roam for today night"


Next day

The tournament area a man was registering every trainer who was participating then a ten year old boy wearing blue clothes came with a Pikachu on his shoulder to register.

The man chuckled "You are the twenty-fifth person with a Pikachu on their shoulder everyone mimicking Destroyer"

Ash too chuckled "Yup it feels different to have a pokemon with you"

"Pikapi" The Pikachu said.

"Hmm good give me your Pokedex".

Ash removed his Pokedex and gave it to the man.

The man then registered him and said.

"Ash Ketchum you will be called for your battle as it is drawn by lots"

"Ok" Ash said and went inside to find Misty and Brock.

Before he could find them Blaine found him "Hey Ash over here"

Ash "Hey Blaine"

Blaine "Hey You should come and help to arrange"

Ash "I have helped much Already"

Blaine "humph go and do work with your friends we already have seventy challengers all battles will be one on one"

"Okay" and he went towards Misty and Brock and started to help here and there.


Half an hour later the registration was complete with eighty-two Trainers.

There were six battlefields and on each there was a battle on going.

Ash "When will be mine"

Misty "Depends on your luck"

Brock "Blaine said that there are only four D+ rank trainers"

Ash "I don't care I just want to battle"

Pikachu "Or bully"

Misty "You BULLY"

Ash laughed.

Then a voice sounded "Ash Ketchum versus Mariana Mills second battlefield"

Ash "Finally"

Brock "Don't destroy the stadium"

Ash "I will try"

Misty "Humph"


Ash said to his opponent "Hi".

His opponent was a twenty year old Women with good looks. She said "What a kid"

Ash [Why why everyone thinks I am a Kid] "Humph"

Pikachu laughed

Mariana then looked at Pikachu "Mimicking Destroyer with a baby like him"

Now Ash snickered.

Pikachu "Ash we are really young"

Ash "Now can we battle"

"Get ready to lose Go Nidorina"

Ash looked at Pikachu and Pikachu went on the battlefield.

Nidorina "Oh a baby so cute"

Pikachu ��I am a Year old"

"Oh I am then Five years old"

Pikachu "Hello Aunty"

Nidorina "Hey I am not Aunty"


Up in a Private room. Misty, Brock and Blaine were rolling on the floor and laughing.

Misty "His Pikachu a baby then what you are hAa haa"

Blaine "I will never call him cute what he exploded a Volcano"


Judge "Start"

"Nidorina Poison Jab"

Ash "Dodge then Quick Attack"

As Nidorina came towards Pikachu he just side stepped and dodged her then surrounded himself in White energy and vanished from the spot and hit her in the flank and she flew out of the stadium.

Mariana "D+, D+ rank trainer"

The Judge nodded and raised the red flag showing that Ash won.

Ash "Hey Pikachu" he called out and said "Thank you"

Mariana was silent.

Ash then started walking back and spoke softly to Pikachu "Hey that was peak of D+"

Pikachu "She called me cute and she does not have the right only my friends have it"

Ash chuckled "Her face was quite watching"


Now forty one trainers left as one was extra Ash sat out because of his luck.

Ash "Blaine he did it on purpose"

No trainer complained as they had seen Pikachu's battle.

Next round too he was out.

Ash "Blaine now you have done it"

Blaine "You will battle after this round"

As again he was left out.

Then Blaine announced "This will be the Final round and six of them will battle at once"

Ash "Oh that's good"


On the battlefield as if decided earlier all Ash's opponent were on the opposite side and he was alone.

Ash "Oh good now Pikachu"

"Yup want to bully me by numbers"


Misty "What using numbers and there is only one D+ rank in them"

Brock "Hey Blaine was this a reward to Ash for protecting the island"

Blaine "Yes"

Misty "Now that's a way to give it"


In front of Pikachu were a Butterfree, a Growlithe, a Charmander, a Pidgey and a Pidgeotto.

Pikachu "Hi"

"Hello" They replied weakly.

Judge "start"

The five trainers shouted at once "Now attack" and five attacks came at Pikachu.

Ash said calmly "Jump then Thunderbolt"

And Pikachu jumped just before the five attacks hit the spot he was standing before and the trainers thought they have a chance but then a thunder bolt hit the five pokemon Pidgey, Butterfree and Pidgeotto fainted immediately followed by the others soon.

The trainers sighed and said "Congrats"

Ash "You all are still better than that women who only talks"

The trainers laughed.

Ash went away with Pikachu.

Ash "Pikachu that was KO not bullying"

Pikachu "I got bored"


Next Chapter: Chapter 18 – Pikachu's Family