Chapter 20 – Extermination Overnight Mission Destroyer

At three thirty in morning Ash was near the River with Kabuto on his head.

Ash "Wartortle come out"

Wartortle appeared outside and spoke "Ash are we going"

Ash "Yes now Kabuto make an ice platform for me to stand and Wartortle you will push it"

"Got it" and Kabuto launched an ice beam to make a square block and Wartortle caught it.

Ash then landed on the block and nodded to Wartortle to move upstream.


After some time he entered the cave and returned Wartortle.

Ash "Dexter make a map"

Dexter "On it"

Then he scanned the area and found a Camera and hacked the server.

Dexter "Ok now follow and there are fourteen goons till the Captives"

Ash "Kabuto freeze them as soon you sense them"

Kabuto "I will till there nose or else they will die and I don't sense evil thoughts form many here they must be forced to work"

Ash "Okay then just make them unconscious and Ivysaur tie them"

Ivysaur came out and nodded.

Ash then reported to Brock "Brock I am in the Cave"

"Okay Move on"

Ash "Yes"

And Ash continued to move inside without fights.


Brock "He is in"

Jenny "So disturbance"

Misty sighed "If only Pikachu was here"

Erika "Why"

Brock "Onix Geodude Earthquake"

Then the whole mountain shook.

Misty "His Earthquake would have been felt till the city"

Erika "Is only Electric Type"

Brock "According to Ash Earthquake means only to shake the ground by sending energy waves into it"

Jenny "That's new"


Vane "Hmmm the activity sure has started to increase" then he spoke to the mic.

"Agent Williams check for any damage with some grunts"

"On it" Williams replied.

Vane "Professor any damage to machines"

Professor Siken "Nothing everything okay"

Vane "Good this project will create an army of C rank Pokemons without training"

Richel "Vane such minor Earthquake cannot do much damage"

Vane "Can't slack the earth forces are riling up in the whole region this I frequent"

Richel "I would like some C rank electric types As I only have one C rank"

Vane "Same is for me and a good news is we have got a tribe of Pikachu's and we are going to work on them tomorrow"


Ash "Okay now Dexter how much"

Dexter "We are close Turn right the CCTV is on repeat"

Ash "Good"

Then he came in front of a huge metal door.

Dexter went and started to crack the password.

After few seconds it opened.

Ash went inside and saw cages with people and pokemon.

When People saw him without a Rocket uniform they said.

"Hey save us"

Ash "Quiet can everyone walk"

The People nodded and Pokemon too.

Ash "Ivysaur open the locks"

"On it" Ivysaur said with Anger as he looked at some weak bulbasur.

Pikachu "Ash Ask them if any Pikachu or Pichu were here"

Ash "Yes" and he turned to pokemon and spoke "Hey have you seen some Pikachu's or Pichu's here."

A Charmander nodded and spoke "Some of them are in the back while many were taken by the Rockets with some others to forcefully evolve"

Ash shivered and released his pressure together with Pikachu, Ivysaur and Kabuto.

All the People and Pokemon suffocated in the Pressure.

Dexter "Ash and everyone please calm down they have not started the process yet"

Ash "Hope we are not late"

Then some Pikachu's came towards him and one of them spoke.

"Hey you the son of that Flareon thank you"

Ash' Pikachu spoke "Where Grandfather and Grandmother"

One of them spoke "They have took them an hour before"

Ash "Pikachu we will save them" Then he said to the people ���Follow this map and go Out quickly and press this button after you are out of the cave Officer Jenny will take you back"

One of the old man spoke "Please can you tell the name of our benefactor"

Ash "My name is "he then removed his mask and every pokemon and people gasped.

"Ash Ketchum and please keep my identity in secret as the Whole Kanto league knows my other face as Destroyer"

The people nodded and started to walkout with the pokemon.

Ash then spoke to Dexter "Dexter can you delay the Process"

Dexter "I can but it will alert them better use Pikachu to use earthquake to destroy the machines as they are delicate cages will be fine as they are sturdy and the walls of the cave are too thick just wait till the prisoners move out"

Ash nodded.


After few minutes the prisoners walked out of the cave and pressed the button and some people in police uniform took them to safety and fed them.

One of the people then suddenly scolded Jenny "HOW CAN YOU LET SUCH A SMALL KID TO DO THIS"

Jenny "Errr"

Ash came to rescue as he sent the message that he was using earthquake.

Jenny "Sorry sir but You should have seen his pressure I think so and now see his power"

Man said "Means"

Jenny "His Title Destroyer is given for some reason"


Ash "Pikachu Ivysaur Earthquake"

Pikachu then slammed his Tail on the Ground while Ivysaur used his forelegs.

And the Whole area shook violently.


The prisoners "Why is there such a huge earthquake here"

Brock spoke "This is his Power"


The Earthquake shook the whole city

And almost everyone was woken up.


Jenny spoke "The Title Destroyer is given to him because he destroyed an alive volcano"

The whole group of prisoners were shocked.

Misty "I think to call him Calamity is better after he reach B rank"

Everyone nodded.


The inside of the cave was a mess.

Vane "This is bad"

Richel "Save the Professor First and Leave the walls cannot handle one more wave"

Vane nodded.


Ash smirked as he heard there Conversation.

Ash "Okay Guys start the havoc and find the captured pokemons first"

Then he spoke to the mic "Everyone come in"

Ash "Pidgeot Fly out and Take care of Helicopters"

"On it Ash hey Raichu and Flareon help me"

Raichu was perplexed "You need help"

Pidgeot "We don't need to destroy the mountain now"

Ash "That will be the final show down"

Charmeleon "Finally some punching bags"

Wartortle "Let's have a Game number of grunts defeated"

Dexter "Two fifty goons one point for each, twenty agents five for each and Two Admins Ten each and researchers who cares about them"

Kabuto "This is interesting Ash give me a ride"

Ash "Okay Pikachu you and your sister are on your own"

Pikachu "Some training lessons for you"

Eevee "Good"

Ash "Start"

Then Ash went with Kabuto, Charmeleon went alone same for Ivysaur, Dexter and Wartortle , Pikachu went with his sister, Pidgeot flew with Raichu and Flareon"



Brock "He has started now Officer let's make our move"

Jenny "Good"

Misty "Some Rocket butt"

Erika "Some Revenge"


Vane suddenly spoke "What who is attacking"

Richel "What happened"

Vane "The Communicators of our goons are getting destroyed one by one"

Richel "They some nobodies we have the researchers hurry to the helicopter."


They reached the Helicopter flew towards the sky with researchers and some agents.

Pidgeot "That's some big guns you both Ready"


"Hold on tight"

And she flew in front of the Helicopter.

The pilot spoke "Sir a Pidgeot is following"

Vane "Missiles"

Then a boom sounded.

"They are destroyed"


Then everything was just spinning.


Pidgeot "Okay let's remove them"

Then she landed the helicopter down.

And removed everyone form inside and Raichu shocked them.

Pidgeot "So two admins six Agents that's fifty and filthy researchers.


Dexter was just collecting data.


Pikachu and Eevee soon found the captive.

And opened the lock.

All pokemon thanked them.

But he was searching for someone.

Then a voice sounded "Grandson and Granddaughter"

Both Eevee and Pikachu followed the voice and met with the two Pikachu's

"Grandfather and Grandmother"

The family reunion was great but Pikachu spoke "Let's go out first"

They nodded and followed both of them.


After half an hour every member of the Rocket was captured and every Prisoners was released.


Charmeleon "That is a Cheat Pidgeot I just need a Point"

Wartortle "You should be happy"

"Humph don't be so nice because you won"

Dexter "So

Wartortle 81

Ivysaur 75.

Pidgeot 60

Charmeleon 59

Pikachu 55

Kabuto 50

Me 35"

Ash "Okay guys we will have a Party"

Everyone cheered.

Ash then asked Jenny "Everyone out"

Jenny "Yes what are you planning to do"

Ash "A message to Team Rocket that someone is on their back"

Ash "Guys Destroy the base"

Pikachu "Waiting for this" as his mental block was removed.

Charmeleon "Okay on the count of five"

Ivysaur "Four"

Wartortle "Three"

Pidgeot "Two"

Dexter "One"

Raichu, Flareon, Eevee and Kabuto "ATTACK"

Then a lightning bomb, Flame, Water, Light, Ice beams hit the mountain.



Pikachu's Grandfather "He had grown up"

Grandmother "Too Much"

"Hmm but in a good way"


The base was blown to pieces the mountain standing was now filled with water.


Misty "We have a mountain to Destroyer's name"

Brock "Ash huh"

And our mister Ash was sleeping with his pokemons.

Misty "Still lazy.


Next Morning.

Ash woke up.

Ash "*yawns* .That was a peaceful night"

Misty "A mountain was destroyed overnight Mr. Ketchum"

Ash "That has nothing to do with me Right buddy"

Pikachu "Right we were sleeping the pokemon center"

Brock chuckled "Oh I know someone used a disguise which looks like you and entered the Hideout"

Everyone laughed

Misty "Okay that's enough here this was sent by someone for the Power Plant as a thanks."

Ash "What is it"

Misty "Magnetic Levitation"

Pikachu "That is a way to get it means do work to get"

Ash "This shows how important money is"

Ash the pressed the Tm on Pikachu's forehead.

After it beeped he removed it.

Ash "So how's it"

Pikachu "It's like" then he started to float"

Ash "Why is the need of training"

Then Dexter beeped "Ash your Pokemons have Broken trough levels"

Ash "Show me"

"Pikachu B

Pidgeot B

Charmeleon C+

Ivysaur C+

Wartortle C+

Kabuto C

Dexter C

Raichu C

Flareon C

Eevee D+


Dexter "So you are now a C+ rank trainer recognized by league and this is your other identity as D+ rank"

Ash "Oh good"

The a Soft voice came "Is mister Brock in there"

Misty was startled "Brock You have got a Girl fr.."

Brock "No She is Suzie she liked my cooking recipes of Pokemon food so she has come here.

Ash "And here I thought our Brock changed"

Brock smiled at 'our Brock' then he spoke "Come in"

Then a Beautiful Lady in her eighteens entered the room followed by a Vulpix.

Suzie bowed "You must be Brock's Friends right Ash and Misty"

Ash to returned the Bow "Yes and you must be Suzie"

Suzie nodded. Suddenly Vulpix jumped into Brock's lap "Hey Brock"

Brock "Hi Vulpix"

Suzie "It's rare to see Vulpix to get near another person you must be special Brock"


Misty "So why is the famous breeder in Celadon"

Suzie "I am working here as Pokemon Massage Trainee"

Brock "She is understanding various aspects to nurture Pokemon"

Suzie "Okay I will Show you Pikachu will you volunteer"

Pikachu "Okay" and he jumped towards her.

Suzie the slowly massaged his cheeks and he purred. "Due to frequent uses of Electricity Pikachu's Cheeks get swollen and it may Pain so they need to be massaged" [But why I feel such power from him"

Brock "Why are you confused?"

Misty "Is it because of his Power." Suzie nodded.

Pikachu "Well someone can identify it"

The trio laughed.

Suzie\Vulpix "You understand Pokemon."

Ash "We have a translator"

Then Dexter Transformed into a Porygon.

Suzie "Porygon Ash You should go and see Professor Akhibara he is currently Researching on Porygon"

Ash "Okay now your Question Pikachu's Power you can check on my Identity"

Misty blurted "First select Real or Fake"

Suzie "Means"

Brock "Ash's Real identity is kept hidden by the league"

Suzie "According to me the only Pikachu this powerful in Kanto is of Destroyer's"

Ash "And he is the same"


Ash "Yes"

Vulpix then went in front of Ash and Bowed "Thank you for saving my family"

Ash ���Err when did I"

Suzie "Her family was in the Group Captured by team rocket ah Brock as she had taken a liking to you why not you take her as I am not good at training"

Brock "Are you okay with it Vulpix" Vulpix nodded.

Misty "Brock why don't you use the Fire stone you have got from the base"

Brock "Oh Vulpix do you want to evolve"

Vulpix "That we'll be grate"

Suzie "See you are a good trainer for her And Ash check the news"

Ash "It must be about the Rocket base"

Suzie "Nope not about that"

Ash "Huh let me see"


Reporter "So People of Kanto here is a good news for you that a base of Team Rocket was destroyed overnight and there Researchers and Two admins were captured and this is all done because Destroyer and Friends of the Gym leader"

"But the important news is that as we can see the anger of Destroyer is directed to the Team Rocket like how the Last Champion Red had we can conclude that they have some relation."


Misty "That's scary"

Suzie "Why?"

Ash "Red is my father."

Suzie "Oh WHAT?"


Next Chapter: Chapter 21: Celadon Gym battle