Chapter 28 – Training and Fuchsia City

They soon entered the room where Butch and Cassidy were catching Ghost types.

Ash looked and them and spoke "Hey Bugh and Cassidy how are you doing."

Butch "Which Brat dares to take my name and my name is Butch."

Ash "Raichu"

Raichu "Well thunder shock."

Cassidy "What aaaaaaaaa"

And they both fainted.

Gengar "That was easy."

Pikachu "This pests are nothing there Boss is a problem."

Gengar "OH"

Then a phantom of Marowak appeared near them "GO AWAY THEY WILL KILL YOU ER what happened here."

Cubone looked at the phantom "Mama" and he ran towards it.

Marowak "Hey Cubone are you fine"

Cubone tried hug it but went straight through it.

Marowak "Well I am a Ghost I can't touch you and you same cannot touch me"

Cubone started crying.

Ash "Well Cubone your mother is waiting to see you getting strong to protect yourself now say bye to your mother."

Cubone stopped but there were still tears in his eyes and looked at his mother's phantom.

Marowak sighed and bowed to Ash "Thank you"

Ash "It was my duty."

Cubone "Bye mother"

Marowak "Bye and Be safe guardian."

And then she faded away.

Ash "Guardian means."

Brock "Don't know it must be because you protected the Tower."

Ash "Well."

Misty then Picked up Cubone and spoke "Hey Cubone now you have get strong so you can protect yourself and your friends."

Ash "By the way Gengar where are the Pokemon stored by them."

Gengar "It inside that weird machine."

Ash "huh Machine Dexter."

Dexter "On it."

Then Dexter went towards the machine and opened it easily and all the Ghost Pokemon came out.

They all thanked Ash and Friends.

Brock asked them "If anyone wants to come with me then you can."

The Pokemon heard him and a Female Ghastly came towards him and spoke.

"I am willing."

Brock "Thanks."

Ninetales came out and looked at Ghastly and spoke "Welcome Ghastly."


Brock then removed a Dusk ball and threw it towards Ghastly and she was caught.

Ash "So we have our Job done let's move on."

And they all went out of the Tower after calling Officer Jenny and tying up Rockets.

Leaf "Ash I will go to Saffron hope we will meet again."

Ash "Okay Bye"

And they hugged again and she left.

Misty looked at Ash and spoke "By the way Ash you didn't catch any Ghost type."

Ash "Well he is here?"

Misty and Brock "Means"

Ash looked at his shadow and spoke "Are you willing to come out."

Gengar came out of the shadow and spoke "This is not fair I cannot hide from you and you knew I will be coming."

Ash "If you had come two weeks early I won't have felt you but I have started to learn aura so I could sense presence and yes I knew you would come."

Gengar "So will you accept me"

Ash "Yup"


Ash then kept a Dusk Ball in front of him and he went in happily.

Ash "Okay Gengar come out and stay in my shadow that will be great card."

Gengar "Okay that place is good."

Ash "Hmm"

And Gengar then disappeared into Ash's Shadow.

Ash "Okay Guys let's first go to Mr. Fuji and on the way to Fuchsia City."

Brock "Okay"


Mr. Fuji "Thank you for your help."

Ash "No Problem by the way we are leaving now and heading to Fuchsia City we will meet next time."

Mr. Fuji "Okay and don't keep destroying."

"Fine I will try not to."


Ash and friend then started to walk towards Fuchsia City.


During Camp.


Charizard "This Compression is to Hard."

Pikachu "Well I took nine days and Dexter"

Charizard "Don't take his name."

Wartortle "This Monster Reached B rank two days ago and compressed his strength in just a day."

Pikachu "Well he has got a good memory and trace ability."

Venasaur "Charizard and Wartortle only you both have left behind."


Wartortle "Who called me."

Pidgeot then flew down and spoke "After compressing the strength it feels that I can battle longer."

Kabutops "Well we are wasting less energy now."

Gengar "Hey why is it necessary to compress power."

Pikachu "When you will reach B rank you will understand by the way Dad how it is going."

Raichu "Well ten percent."

Pikachu "So we have Me, Kabutops, Pidgeot, Venasaur, Dexter as B+, Charizard, Wartortle, Raichu as B and Eevee, Flareon and Gengar as C+"

Then there was a muffled snort and an arrogant laughter sounded.

Charizard "Finally, now Wartortle I completed it first."

Wartortle "Well I will try again."

Pikachu "Okay Change the List and Add Charlizard."


Wartortle "Ninety complete."

Pikachu "Well Dexter update's Ash's Bio."

Dexter "Trainer Ash Ketchum B+ Rank


Pikachu "Good."

Again a laugh came.

Wartortle "Well I took two more tries then you."

Charizard "Okay now I am older."

"Fine now let's see who reaches A rank first."

"Okay good."

And they both left for training.

Pikachu "Well again change the list and Where is Ash."

Dexter "Ash"

Pidgeot "He is snoring on the tree."

Pikachu smirked "Gengar ready for some fun."

Gengar "Well I will succeed this time."

And he disappeared into shadows and moved to scare Ash.

As he was getting close all Ash's Pokemon were looking at him.

Then he went and touched him.

Ash "Hmm Who is it."

Gengar "Gawwwwwww"

Ash "Ahhh I am so scared Gengar."

Gengar "What"

Ash "You all broke through next to me and do you think that I cannot feel your increasing Aura."

Gengar "What this is all your fault" he looked at his other pokemon.

Ash started to laugh but then he slipped and.


Ash "aooch."

A wild laughter sounded.

Pikachu "Well Gengar he still fell down you succeeded."

Dexter "Okay you get 150 out of 100."

Gengar smiled "That is a way to enjoy."

Brock's voice came "Well guys food is ready."


Steam started to rise from nearby.

Pikachu "Those two will never learn."

Brock looked around and spoke "Can anyone stop them or else this place will be ruins."

Pikachu "Well Thunder Bolt."

Two painful roars sounded as electric type was super effective to both of them.

Brock "That's easy."

Then two fired pokemon came walking unsteadily and looked at Pikachu and launched an attack on him in unison.

Pikachu "Well Light screen"

Then a Pink colored screen enveloped Pikachu and it had some sparks in it and it blocked the two attacks.

Then two snorts came and both Blastoise and Charizard sat and rested.

Pikachu "Well it is useful."

Flareon "So how much time is remaining for Fuchsia City."

Misty "Well more five days"

Flareon "I will Reach B by then."

Ash then came with sticks and grass on his head.

Ash "Brock food please."

Brock "Okay Jungle boy."

Ash "Hmm What !!"

A laughter sounded but soon a pressure enveloped them and made everyone quiet.

Pikachu "Hey that's cheating."

And he too released his aura to counter Ash.

Ash "Well I can't tease I have my means."

Brock "Ash your Aura."

Ash "What"

Misty "It has increased or means it has got dense."

Ash "I didn't feel it."

Pikachu smirked "I think falling on head increases battle aura."

Misty "Let's try again"

Ash "Hmph."

Kabutops "The reason is that our bonds are strong and Charizard, Wartortle and Dexter Just broke through as we share the Battle Aura."

Brock "Well I have also started to release in after Onix Reached B rank."

Misty "Same here."

Dexter "That's right after C+ Battle aura gets dense and it start to get a form."

Brock "okay let's eat"



After six days due training Flareon Eevee and Gengar Reached B rank and All of Ash's Pokemon are now B rank Raichu compressed his fifty percent strength and has not gone in a wrong way like Charizard due to everyone's experience and could complete first compression in next two days and rest then started to increase their Power as usual to make it full.

Fuchsia City.

Ash looked at the city where there was like no use of Bricks and Cement to make houses.

Ash "Well did we came to wrong place but the gate says Fuchsia city or did we get into the past."

Brock "Fuchsia city is the cleanest city in Kanto and the people here are said to be one with nature and there are no buildings as it is near to Safari Park."

Ash "That clears it."

Pikachu "Well it is fresh right Marill."

Marill who was on Misty's Shoulder spoke "Well The whole world is different form before I evolved."

Misty "Well you could not even walk when you evolved yesterday."

Brock "Now let us first enjoy the Day and tomorrow we will deal with the Gym."

Misty "And Ash no chance creating a fire here."

A man heard them and spoke "Are you trainers"

Ash "Yes."

"Good could you please go to the south of the city to deal with those Beedrill and Combee."

Ash "Why are the Pokemon getting violent in such a good atmosphere."

Man "We also don't know as they don't come from the safari Park they came from the island in the south and they started to attack without reason and many got injured and many are serious."

Brock "Well let's deal with it and ask the gym leader for the reason."

Man "As you have fire type that will be of great use."

Brock "I have two"

Man "Thank you now you should hurry as this City is not visited by many trainers as this to remote and they skip this Gym and take another one."

Ash "okay" And they ran towards south.

Man sighed "But what can kids do."

Ash heard this and murmured "Well Even if A+ rank pokemon arrives I can handle it."

Misty "Well now you are just a Kid."

Ash "Is it necessary to change."

Brock "If you don't want to show your identity yes or else your identity will be known to fourteen billon people in Kanto."

Ash "Okay Pidgeot."

Pidgeot came out and Ash climbed on her and she then flew up.

Misty "I think even if his identity is released at start very few people will believe."

Brock "Well he is different from other trainers but when we are close to him I can feel now that the World Power is dense near him and it increases the speed of training."

Misty "Well there are some regions where we can train like top of Mt. Moon."

Brock "And North and North- Western Border."

Misty "Well I would like to go there as Mother is still there."

Brock "Well we will go over there too and I think all gym leaders may need to go if situation worsen as said by Lance."


Ash quickly wore his hood and Mask and flew towards south.

Pidgeot "This air is great."

Ash "I still don't understand why would Beedrill leave there habitat and they don't attack anyone if no one disturbs them and Combee are not aggressive."

Pikachu "Well there Queen is to well natured and business like and I have met on near my birth place as father once brought me honey for a Oran Berry."

Ash "What is going on that island Dexter can you find the info of the island."

Dexter "Queensland island named after the Queen of the Bees Vespiqueen. It had an extinct volcano in the center and is a region where honey is produced and there is a small village which is the guardian of the island and also acts as a business center over there and that region is declared as no catch region."

Ash "Well we should go to that village to check."


Few day's Ago.

Viridian Gym.

Giovanni looked at the report and shouted "Which Bastard is trying get in the way of team rocket."

"Boss we don't know his identity as the Jenny clan does not declare his name and he had destroyed two of our bases."

Giovanni "How about the team in Safari Park doing."

"Well over Two hundred Pokemon have been captured and will be completing the target of three hundred in a week."

Giovanni "Good and Ask them to leave their Job and go to the Queensland as I think the Person will sure go to Fuchsia City and Safari park."

"Okay Boss"

Giovanni "Well his pokemon are good but what can he do to Legends even if he is an SSS rank Trainer to defeat legend is a Dream. And on top of it I have a Psychic Legend Let him come I will take his pokemon in my army."

"Boss but we don't know his Aura."

"Well The strength stop's increasing for pokemon at B rank but that is not the case for legends so that must be the reason we can't see his aura."

"Okay Boss I will take my leave."


Next Chapter: Chapter 29 – Fuchsia Gym Battle